Anastacia287's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Anastacia287's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cia, your are so talented, your art work and painting has improved beyond your grade level - so proud of you my little artist. Of course, I know you are expert in snowman building!!!
- Yiayia on February 1, 2023
I love this because it reminds me of potholders I used to make for my mom when I was your age. I’d give them to her for Christmas. You are so good at painting. You have a steady hand and a gift.
- Grandma on February 1, 2023
Cia, I thought this painting looked like me. I don’t have as much hair as you and I used to wear it in a bun. And I have a crooked smile. I love this and hope it’s ok to think it’s a portrait of Grandma.
- Jacque on February 1, 2023
Wow! You are really developing a steady hand to stay in the lines.
- Grandma on October 26, 2022
This is my favorite. I love google eyes. It’s so much fun.
- Grandma on October 26, 2022
I really like this painting. I love how the leaves are not painted. It’s very creative. Good job!
- Grandma on October 26, 2022
I love this one. Your butterflies are so pretty. Here again you are showing me your good eye for color.
- Grandma on October 26, 2022
Very beautiful work Cia. Love you color choices. You have a good eye.
- Grandma on October 26, 2022
Love Crazy Eyes. And he’s so fun with red hair. Very creative Cia. Love Grandma
- Grandma on October 26, 2022
Cia, i cannot believe your artistic ability, your sponge painting trains are so realistic, you are close to the Art Fair at Boston College!!!
- Andrea on July 20, 2022
Cia you did a terrific job on this mixed media piece. You made me feel like I was there jumping through puddles. Great job! Love Grandma.
- Grandma on July 20, 2022
Love this too. It’s beautiful.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Excellent job. I love the colored snowflakes.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Happy Fall leaves. They are bright and cheery. Great job Cia.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
This is an interesting technique you used with the waffle. You chose great colors and I love the lines. I’d love a shirt made out of this print.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
From the colors I can tell this is an Easter candle. It’s so pretty. You used different mediums to create this artwork. It really shows your skills and your creativity. You are an amazing artist.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
I ?? this bear. He’s so cute. I love that he is blue because it’s cold where he lives. Great job coloring him.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Perfect Thanksgiving colors for Mr. Tom Turkey.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
This one is funny and made me laugh. He looks like he wants to be scary but is too cute.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Such pretty colors you chose, Cia. And this is a challenging piece to color. So many lines in different direction. You did an excellent job.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Cia I LOVE this. You did a fantastic job. The colors are beautiful. I hope soon my garden has butterflies and you can come over and paint pictures of them. You are a very talented artist. Love Grandma
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Cia, your artwork is amazing. Your butterflies are beautiful, they look like the butterflies that you saw at the Museum. I'm so proud of your talent and abilities, Love yiayia.
- Yiayia on May 18, 2022
Cia this is a beautiful Easter Egg you have created. You are a terrific artist. Love you Grandma. Xoxo
- Grandma Jacque on April 6, 2022
This is another favorite. I love how put shapes and colors on top of each other. This is also not easy to do and make it come so pretty. Great job Cia! Love Grandma
- Grandma(fan) on March 30, 2022
Dear Cia, I can see where this art project was very challenging. Following all those different line patterns with a steady hand is not easy but you did it so very well. You must keep up the good work. Love Grandma
- Grandma(fan) on March 30, 2022
Dear Cia, I love all of your artwork but this is my favorite. You have created something so beautiful. I just enjoying staring at it because the circles start to move if you watch long enough. It is very creative. Great job Cia! Love Grandma.
- Grandma(fan) on March 30, 2022
Cia, you Rainbow Garden is just Beautiful, you really know how to make a nice garden. love love love you... yiayia
- Andrea on March 16, 2022
Oh Cia, this is another beautiful piece of your artwork, very good staying in the lines, and I love the Blue-Bird. Love yiayia
- Yiayia on March 16, 2022
Cia, your art work is beautiful, I'm so proud of you. Love yiayia
- Yiayia on March 2, 2022