Henry17449's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Henry17449's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Henry , I love this self portrait because it reminds me of how much you look like your Dad when he was young. Keep up the fabulous work! Love Grammy
- Grammy on May 1, 2024
What a wonderful likeness! Love it! ??? ??
- Lea (Mother) on April 30, 2024
Great work on your pottery Henry!
- Grammy on March 20, 2024
Great job on your pottery Henry! I think this must be George! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on February 22, 2023
Henry said that the H and the N and the R are “stuck” in this painting. The H is stuck in a huge mountain and the N and the R are stuck in a tiny hill. ??
- Mom on October 27, 2022
Henry, I love this abstract you painted! You have just the mix of warm and cool colors. Have you learned about Picasso yet? If not have your teach show you some of his paintings!??
- Grammy on October 27, 2022
Love this painting!
- Lea (Mother) on October 24, 2022