Eva, I love the way you used complementary colors (colors that are opposite on the color wheel - orange and blue) to create contrast between the leaves and the sky. Your painting style looks like that of Eric Carle- well done! If you like Eric Carle's illustrations, you may also like the book, Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert. Your art teacher is excellent! You have been focusing on some really important things to learn about composing and making art! We are so lucky to be able to see your work shared with us in Artsonia! Thank you!
- Grandma Patty on February 2, 2022
Eva, I love the way you used complimentary colors (opposite colors on the color wheel-orange and blue) to create contrast of the fall color leaves against the blue sky. Your painting style reminds me of Eric Carle's illustrations for his books. He is one of my favorite illustrators! If you like Eric Carle's work, you may also like the illustrations in the book, Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert. You have an excellent art teacher! She is taking the time and effort to teach you so many things about making art, as well as sharing it on this website, so we can all enjoy your work.
- Grandma Patty on February 2, 2022
Great Work Eva. I absolutely love it! The colors are GREAT!!!