I love it! It reminds me of the cowhide “D” that I bought for your nursery ??
- Jennifer (Mother) on January 8, 2023
Wow Deacon! This is crazy cool.
- GG on January 8, 2023
This is awesome Bub! Love you!
- Jennifer (Mother) on December 28, 2022
Nice picture Deacon. You are for sure a cool dude. Love it and you
- Grandma Nancy on May 18, 2022
That is not the itsy bitsy spider. That thing is huge. It's pretty cool though
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Deacon, that is so awesome. How did you get the flowers reflection? Good job. I love it.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
My hearts showed up as ?’s.
I love this one D!
- Jennifer (Mother) on May 2, 2022
Wow Deacon! That's beautiful! Good Job!
- GG on May 1, 2022
Hey Deacon! I didn’t know your art was on Artsonia! You have done some really cool stuff. I’m so happy I can see it now!
- GG on April 13, 2022
Deacon you do nice watercolors. Sometimes Grandma likes to paint too. Keep up the good work.
- Grandma on April 13, 2022
Great job D!
- Jennifer (Mother) on April 5, 2022
This is really interesting. You did a good job following the pattern. Love you
- Grandma on April 5, 2022
Deacon, that is a very nice necklace that you made. I love all the colors that you used. I think maybe that you really like Art because you make a lot of fun stuff. Keep up the good work. I love you.
- Grandma on April 5, 2022
This is lovely, Deacon. Did you make this for you mom for Mothers’ Day?
- Mickey on April 4, 2022
Deacon, I didn’t realize you were such a gifted artist! I absolutely love this piece of work and encourage you to continue to work hard. You are loved by…Aunt Mickey
- Mickey on April 4, 2022
I like this one, good job.
- Jane on April 4, 2022
Deacon this is so cool. You do good work. You must get your art talent from your mom. I love you. Keep up the good work.
- Grandma on April 4, 2022
Deacon you did an awesome job on your picture. I love it.