I love this too!!!! It's so beautiful Love, Mom -- Leslie
- on February 6, 2010
I love you Gracie and will see you in one week! Yeah :-) I love your picture - what a great job you did - I am so proud of you!!! Love always, Jenny -- Aunt Jenny
- on February 6, 2010
This is the most beautiful snowman I ever saw. I love the colors. Great art work!! -- Mami
- on February 6, 2010
Hi my Sweet Gracie Girl ! What a pretty picture you have drawn. Papa loves your artwork. I can hardly wait till I get to see you again Sweetheart. I love you ! Papa -- Papa
- on February 6, 2010
Grace I love this snowman. I can't wait for you to bring it home. Love Mom
- on February 6, 2010
This is really pretty Gracie. All your pictures are terrific ! Papa loves you and is looking forward to seeing you soon Sweetheart.
- on December 5, 2009
Hi Grace! It is Aunt Jenny...I love your Halloween kitty - you did a GREAT job on it! Who are you going to be this year for Halloween? Are you dressing up in a costume? Thank you for my Birthday card it is beautiful and I have it hanging in my office :-) I love you and miss you! Please continue to send me all your awesome drawings! I love getting them and I love you. xoxoxo Aunt Jenny
- on October 29, 2009
Grace, I love this picture!! I think we'll frame it Love, Mom
- on March 24, 2009
I love your portrait. Very nice!!!
- on March 14, 2009
This is really neat Sweetheart.... but scaaaaaaary ! Hope I never see one of these coming after me! Papa loves you !!
- on November 8, 2008
Dear Grace, I really loved all your artwork. The turtle is beautiful, the ladybug is fabulous!! Mama was so surprised to see all your pictures. You are a great artist! Keep painting. Love , Mami
- on May 26, 2008
Dear Gracie, I really loved your art work!! Mami showed them to me today. You are soooooo good!! Every one was beautiful, even your spider. I am so proud of you. From Mama
- on May 21, 2008
Hi Sweetheart, Papa's Gracie girl sure is a good artist. This is really pretty. Maybe you can show Papa how to draw when we go on vacation. I would really like to have one of your pictures in a frame so I can put it in my office. I love you. I hope you keep sending me your pretty pictures to look at. Love, Papa
- on May 9, 2008
Those are really GREAT orange trees. you did a wonderful job!!! I'm very proud of you!!! Love MAMI
- on May 2, 2008
Grace this is my favorite artwork that you have done so far!!! How can I get it framed? I love it sweetie...see you this weekend...Love, Aunt Jenny
- on April 13, 2008
I love your lion Grace, and I love you too. Mami
- on April 2, 2008
Neato Sweetie !! You are such a good artist. I wish you could come to Indiana and draw me some pictures. Papa loves you !
- on March 16, 2008
This is really pretty sweetheart. You sure do draw good pictures!! I really like ladybugs. Hope you draw me some more pictures real soon. I love to look at your drawings! Love, Papa
- on March 11, 2008
I love your Bug Life artwork Grace! This is one of my favorite ones - I love the lady bugs - Great job my beautiful niece! Love u, Aunt Jenny ;)
- on March 8, 2008
i love my fish its so good and cool too - myself
- on February 20, 2008
Gracie- your city scape is beautiful. It looks just like New York. Love, Mom
- on February 20, 2008
Dear Gracee, your city is very beautiful, I loved all your art work!!!!.... Love, Mami
- on February 3, 2008
You are such the artist Grace...I love your City portrait! Keep up the good work my beautiful Niece...Love you very much, Aunt Jenny :)
- on February 3, 2008
Grace, WOW, the spider wed is great and so is the itsy bitsy spider! You are a great artist. I love you.
- on January 27, 2008
Hi Gracie, I think this fish is great! You did a great job!
- on January 27, 2008
Grace - you art reflects the beautiful person you are. Well done!
- on January 18, 2008
Grace your picture is so beautiful and it made Aunt Jenny's day to receive it from you! I miss you so much and cannot wait to see you again! Maybe we can go horseback riding one day soon...I would love to do that with you - tell your Mom and Dad that I miss them too and love you all very much! Bye for now my precious niece...Love Aunt Jenny
- on January 18, 2008
Grace, The heart you made is beautiful. You are a great artist. I love you!!
- on January 18, 2008
Hi, Grace- You made such a beautiful heart! We're proud of you!!!