Alana5201's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Alana5201's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Such a beautiful drawing. Drawn by the most beautiful girl in the world. I love the menu and definitely the different flavors of ice cream. We love ice cream. Grandma T
- Grandma T on March 11, 2024
I really like Alana’s “My SlayMonster”! She did an excellent job cutting out the monster making it symmetrical! She also, did a good job trying her best to make each feature on the monster symmetrical as well! Keep up the good works. Your drawings alone with your imagination just keeps getting bigger and better with every new artwork. I’m so proud of you. Love you grandma T
- Grandma on March 11, 2024
Hey Alana, I really like how you showed your talent drawing your sea creatures and fish. I wasn’t sure until you told me the brown thing at the bottom was an octopus, then I saw it lol! Keep up the good work! I love you
- on January 31, 2024
Alana drawings never seem to amaze me. She did an excellent job showing off different fish, along with her upmost color skills. She continues to show off her many talents. She also, does an amazing job detailing her strong imagination. Continue to let your imagination run wild. Always remember, that Grandma T is always proud of you and there is not anything you cannot do if you put your mind to. Do not let anyone tell you different.
- Grandma T on January 31, 2024
A very wonderful drawing showing the island shades with the sunset in the background. This drawing looks like a picture that was taken while on vacation visiting an exotic country. Keep up the good works. Know that you are very talented and you have special gift which no one can ever take away from you.
- Grandma T on October 5, 2023
Wow! Another gorgeous picture drawn by my beautiful talented granddaughter. I just love the different and colorful sunflowers with the butterflies flying. Continue to use your imagination when drawing because your art work can one day take you very far into your future. ????
- Grandma T on October 5, 2023
Hi Alana Nana most beautiful girl in the world. It’s a new year, I see you have a new beautiful picture but not as beautiful as you are. I really like your drawing. Especially the yellow sunflowers throughout the picture. It make your artwork stand out. Keep drawing & using your wonderful imagination I’m proud of you Love you Nana
- Grandma T on February 1, 2023
Nice job kiddo!
- Parent on November 16, 2022
Wow! You are so talented! This is my favorite masterpiece!
- Codie (Mother) on October 12, 2022
Beautiful brown skin girl with pretty pink glittery nails! How creative ??
- Codie (Mother) on July 6, 2022
Beautiful brown skin girl with pretty pink glittery nails! How creative ??
- Codie (Mother) on July 6, 2022
Wow! I love this masterpiece!!! Sweet treats are my absolute favorite. Yummy!! ??????
- Codie (Mother) on July 6, 2022
I’m loving this sculpture !! All the different colors and shapes put together to create one beautiful picture. This pacific artwork looks like something you would find in an Art gallery
- Grandma T on July 6, 2022
Way to go !! This drawing reminds me of SpongeBob !! You are a very visual drawer. Continue to keep up the good work. Always remember the words YOU CAN’T does not exist. It’s YES I CAN! Nana loves you dearly. I can’t wait to see your next drawing.
- Grandma T on July 6, 2022
The love of music! ??
- Codie (Mother) on April 28, 2022
I absolutely love this masterpiece!!!! Your choice of colors are beautiful! Love the idea of hearts with wings.
- Codie (Mother) on April 28, 2022
I just love it! I remember when your mother did something like that when she was in school. Alana’s artwork shows that she has a wide imagination and great color coordination skills. Alana is so creative to the point her techniques would shock you. Alana has enjoyed drawing since a very early age. For a child her age the drawings she has done would just amaze you. I wish you could see some of the drawings that Alana has done at home. They are so beautiful that we have put a portfolio together so she can keep them safe. Which Alana is always adding to them. Drawing is just one of Alana‘s greatest talents. Alana know that grandma T is extremely proud of you so continue to keep up the good work. Remember in life you can become anything in this world if you put your mind to it. Believe! Have faith! Most of all know that the word can’t do not exist. It’s yes you can…Love you! The most beautiful girl in the world.
- Grandma Ty on April 28, 2022