Sloane1316's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Sloane1316's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful! Is this Rue de Soleil? Calle del Sol? Via del sole? Ist das die Sonnenstraße? Very creative AND quite lovely!
- Lawrence on April 10, 2024
Is it a cake? Is it a kitty house? Is it a kitty cake house? It’s crazy it’s must be raining kitties and puppies. Where are the puppies? A crazy kitty cake house is very colorful.
- John on March 19, 2024
Are the people who live there called schroomers? When you meet them do you say “OK schroomer”! It looks a lot like Hobbit High Rise! Is there a story to go with the establishment? Is it neat and homey like a Hobbit Hole? Are their visiting wizards elves and dwarves?
- Grandpa (aka) “G” daddy “P” on February 13, 2024
Terrific job! Love your art work.
- Grandma on February 13, 2024
Love this, you are so talented. Love, Oma
- Oma on February 13, 2024
Such a talented young girl, love you so much
- Michelle on February 13, 2024
lines! LINES! We don’t need no LINES! Rebel Artists deep in the heart of East Texas. SLOANE MICHELE ride the swell!
- G daddy J $ on June 28, 2023
lines! LINES! We don’t need no LINES! Rebel Artists deep in the heart of East Texas. SLOANE MICHELE ride the swell!
- G daddy J $ on June 28, 2023
Love it. These look like some of the rocks Grandpa put in our aquarium.
- Sue on June 28, 2023
TOOB UUULAR DUDETTE! From your G daddy P.
- John on June 28, 2023
Love this one, such a talented young lady
- Oma on June 28, 2023
Wow, this is great
- Michelle on June 28, 2023
Such a talented, beautiful young lady!!!
- Michelle on June 28, 2023
So proud of you and I love getting your art work. You did a great job.
- Sue on December 28, 2022