Cole1066's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Cole1066's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Cole, You are very talented. I love being able to see your art work. I look forward to seeing your great ideas blosom. Love ya, Lisa and Kendal
- on February 14, 2008
I love my own artwork- Cole =)
- on February 2, 2008
Cole, Your artwork is amazing! You are so talented and creative, you must take after your Aunt Laurie!!!! Te, he, he! Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see more of your incredible art! Love you more! Laurie
- on January 31, 2008
Hi Cole: Enjoyed your artwork. Keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing more. Love you, Gaumie
- on January 29, 2008
- on January 27, 2008
Cole, I love your artwork! You are amazing! Keep up the fantastic work. I'm so excited I have a new place to shop. Love you, Aunt Kim
- on January 25, 2008
Very cool. Love, mom
- on January 25, 2008