Audrey13980's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Audrey13980's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your color choices emphasize the importance of love. Great job!
- Grandma Suzi on February 1, 2024
Dear Audrey, I think your colors are beautiful and show a great example of how important including multiple colors is!
- Grandma Sullivan on January 10, 2024
Simply beautiful Audrey! I love your color choices and how nice and sharp your lines are. You are very talented!! Love, Grandma Marilyn
- Marilyn on January 10, 2024
Your pink candle, like the 3rd week of Advent gives hope that Jesus is coming soon! Lovely work, Audrey! Love, Grandma Suzi
- Suzi on December 7, 2023
Your leaves show fall colors so well and I love how you drew different leaf varietes! Love, Gma Suzi
- Suzi on November 15, 2023
Ducky looks charming. She is a lucky ducky!
- Suzi on October 5, 2023
I think this might be Stubby! You are such a great artist! I love your art!
- Grandma on May 11, 2023
I love your colorful heart!
- Suzi on February 15, 2023
Maybe you can build a snowman after your winter storm! Have a carrot ready
- Grandma Suzi on January 25, 2023
Beautiful winter drawing!
- Grandma on January 18, 2023
Beautiful work; they all look so happy on such a pretty day!
- Grandma on December 22, 2022