Dean3317's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Dean3317's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is very cool!
- Jennifer (Mother) on April 23, 2024
Love that you chose happy!!
- Kaitlyn on March 20, 2024
I put a smiley face emoji in and it showed up as a question mark. This is definitely sooo cute!
- Jennifer (Mother) on February 19, 2024
How cute!!! ??
- Jennifer (Mother) on February 17, 2024
I like the blues and can picture an ocean scene with abstract trees and a beautiful sunrise.
- Jennifer on January 10, 2024
Very cool! I like all of the colors. This is a interesting piece of artwork :)
- Jennifer (Mother) on November 21, 2023
This picture is so cool! I love the details on the hamster and the sunshine. Great talent :)
- Jennifer (Mother) on October 4, 2023
This is SO cute Dean!! Great job! I love the colors
- Kaitlyn on February 1, 2023