Brendan7258's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Brendan7258's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work, Brendan! Love, Grandma T
- Michelle on May 10, 2024
Great job, Brendan! Love, Grandma T
- Michelle on February 14, 2024
Love the details, keep it up. Great Job!! Love, Mamaw & Papaw
- Mamaw & Papaw on February 14, 2024
Brendan, Your Nitefort Treasure Map is really cool! Love, Grandma T
- Michelle on February 7, 2024
Great work, this looks like it should be displayed at an art museum. Keep up the good work.
- Mamaw & Papaw on September 20, 2023
Great job, Brendan! I love it!! Grandma T
- Grandma on September 20, 2023
Brendan, I love the colors! Beautiful work!! Love, Grandma T
- Grandma T on April 19, 2023
Very nice job!! Your colors go well together and the pattern is well done. Thanks for sharing. Love, Mamaw & Papaw
- Mamaw & Papaw on April 12, 2023
Great job, Brendan! Love, Grandma T
- Michelle on March 22, 2023
Wonderful expressive work, Brendan!! Love, Grandma
- Michelle on March 22, 2023
YOUR CREATIVITY IS GREAT!!! Using a Switch is sometimes frustrating?
- Mamaw & Papaw on March 22, 2023
Amazing job, Brendan! I love it!!
- Grandma on December 14, 2022
Another Great Creation!!! You do such good work. How about creating some Christmas art?? Love, Mamaw & Papaw
- Sam & Linda on December 14, 2022
Brendan, your artwork is awesome. Something like this needs a wall to hang it on to admire. Keep creating please!!!! M&P Love ya!!!
- Mamaw & Papaw on November 10, 2022
Great work, Brendan!
- Michelle(fan) on November 10, 2022