caitlynn28's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about caitlynn28's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love my art work!!! CAITLYN!!!
- on January 16, 2010
i still can't believe i messed up on his hair!!!- Caitlyn (artist!)
- on January 16, 2010
pretty awesome piece caitlyn! I particularly like the eyes and the neck.
- on March 1, 2009
Wow Caitlyn! This piece is great! You have captured so much emotion into it. He looks how I have been feeling. Well done! Jac :)
- on March 1, 2009
fantabulous cait!
- on September 5, 2008
Wow! I really like the colours in this one and how they all twist around each other. Well done, another lovely piece.
- on July 20, 2008
A Rockhopper penguin! This is so cool, Caitlyn! Love, Mom
- on April 28, 2008
Good job Caitlyn! Love, Dad
- on April 26, 2008
Hi Caitlynn...your artwork is getting pretty creative!
- on March 10, 2008
What did you use to create this lovely snowman? I really like the texture of it. Very nicely done :)
- on February 27, 2008
This one is very cool, you have done a great job! I had some kindergarten kids at school calling me mrs squarepants for some unknown reason and I kept telling them that I do not live in a pineapple under the sea....that just seemed to make them laugh more :( oh well. Another super drawing, well done :)
- on February 12, 2008
That's one good lookin' Momma!!! Love, Mom
- on February 12, 2008
Another great work of art! (and a pretty big kite!) Love, Uncle Scott
- on February 4, 2008
Hello Caitlyn, Love the Monkey Reindeer.... good job! Love Dad.
- on January 28, 2008
Hello Caitlynn! I am appreciating this fine piece of art all the way from China. I really like this one and I definitely think that Santa should make room for Monkey on the sleigh next year. Keep the pictures coming, I like being able to see what you are doing :)
- on January 27, 2008
Great Work! We especially like Monkey and Gary! Love, Uncle Scott and Aunt Christine
- on January 27, 2008
Beautiful work, Caitlyn! It is so neat to see your hard work online!
- on January 10, 2008
Great Job Caitlyn, keep it going. Love Grandfather
- on January 9, 2008
Great work, Cai Cai! You have your Mom's talent!
- on January 7, 2008
Hey Caitlynn, Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Kimberly
- on January 7, 2008
Caitlyn, Actually, I am HAPPY, not HAPOPY!!!! *smile* Love, Mom
- on January 5, 2008
Caitlyn, Great Job! Love Dad!
- on January 5, 2008
Caitlyn: Wow! What a great artist you are! I am so hapopy that you are in art club with me! Love , Mom
- on January 5, 2008