Connolly20's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Connolly20's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Connolly this is just amazing. All the color combinations are perfect. You are most talented sweetie. Love you!
- Lynn Anne on July 18, 2024
Connolly this is amazing. Love all the colors. A big heart just like you have! Love you! Moma
- Lynn anne on July 18, 2024
Beautiful artwork, Olly!! I love the colors!! Love you lots!! Bapa
- Bapa on July 18, 2024
Absolutely awesome my friend. I especially like the twinkling eyes and the big smile!!! Just like you sweetie! Love you, Moma
- Lynn anne on December 13, 2023
Hi, Olly! You drew a wonderful picture of a turkey! It looks great! Love you! Bapa
- Kevin on December 13, 2023
Great job Olly! Just like the one in Auntie Theresa's backyard! Love you, moma
- Lynn anne on December 13, 2023
Hi, Olly! I love all the pretty colors in your drawing!! Love you!! XXOOOOOXX Bapa
- Kevin on December 13, 2023
Olly, I see so many beautiful colors in this picture and a lot of different items. Thanks for being my creative little noodle bug:)
- Lynn anne on December 13, 2023
Connolly this is the that supposed to be your dad with the cool ties he wears :):) Thanks for being so creative!
- Moma on December 13, 2023
Hi Connolly, I love this latest art you have created. Great movement, colors and patterns. Fun, just like you! Reminds me of your Irish Dance moves! Keep it up love. XXX 000 Peepi
- Larry (Peepi) on June 7, 2023
Connolly, love this picture. It is so full of color and it makes me happy! Keep up the great work honey!
- Moma on May 10, 2023
Fun picture, Olly!! I love the colors! Bapa
- Kevin on May 10, 2023
Oh my Gosh, Connolly! I see so much in your art, the sun, hearts, maybe a fish and water and sky. I LOVE your art, your creativity and imagination. Keep it up honey! Love you!
- Peepi on March 22, 2023
Connolly this is amazing! Love it and oh so love you!
- Lynn Anne on March 22, 2023
Connolly, We love your drawing of baby Jesus in the manger! Very nice drawing honey. We are proud of you. Love you.
- Mimi Peepi on January 11, 2023
Connolly, such an awesome picture of Halloween!!! Keep up the amazing work sweetie! Love you, Moma
- Lynn Anne on November 23, 2022
Awesome Olly!!!! I oh so love it. Keep up the great work. And remember to draw Moma the picture of all the trees with beautiful color. Love you!
- Lynn Anne on October 19, 2022
Connolly this picture is spectacular!!! Love you honey! Moma
- Lynn Anne on October 19, 2022