Samantha33647's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Samantha33647's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Thank you Samantha for another showing of your artistic talent. Love seeing your drawings and hearing all about those wonderful fun things you are so good at.
- Papa on May 24, 2023
Dear wonderful Granddaughter , What more can a very proud
- Papa on March 22, 2023
Notes from a very proud and grateful grand parent , From the moment you were born as your Mother & Father held you out to me. You opened your eyes , we made eye contact and I knew what a special little girl that the Lord had given to our family. Congratulations' to you for your artwork being chosen to represent Heritage Elementary School. Loved the picture your Mom & Dad sent to me with that marvelous smile that shows your fantastic attitude and personality. Love you lots ! Papa
- Papa on March 22, 2023