Kyan520's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Kyan520's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You definitely used your imagination on this picture! This looks like a fun place to play! Your finger print people are cute!
- Mary (teacher at Waunakee Prairie Elementary School (K-4)) on May 26, 2022
This picture makes me hungry for healthy food! We learned how to draw simple shapes and overlap them. We learned how to take our time while coloring to create solid colors. This picture is so interesting and beautiful. Nice job!
- Mary (teacher at Waunakee Prairie Elementary School (K-4)) on May 26, 2022
We think your picture of the fruit bowl is definitely one of your best pictures. It looks so real I could eat every piece of that fruit. Good choice on the color of the bowl, it all goes together so nice. Great imagination putting some fruit on the table too. Keep up the good work Kyan????????
- Grammi & Grandpa Derbs on March 2, 2022
Wow, Kyan! We love your fruit bowl drawing and the fruit on the table. You did such a good job showing it sitting on a table & the fruit sticking out of the bowl. The colors you chose were perfect with the purple for the grapes, red for the cherries & the watermelon looks so yummy! Keep up the good artwork!! Keep drawing us pictures too!!
- Mayme & Poppi on February 23, 2022
GREAT job, Kyan on your playground artwork! You did a wonderful job drawing each piece of playground equipment & also the kid playing with the cute flowers in the corner! Keep up the great work!!
- Jan(fan) on February 2, 2022
Congratulations Kyan on your artwork!!! You know how much we love your drawings, keep up the good work??
- Grammi & Grandpa Derbs on February 2, 2022