I know jack that is so kool. Its very colorful and u r a kid who has the skill 2 draw without being taught.
- on November 22, 2007
unique drawing very nice, colorful
- on November 19, 2007
This thing is awesome dude its all checkerdy and stuff like dat! Good job Jack, way ta draw that mona lisa chick. This is definatley one of da best one I seen so far
- on November 19, 2007
JACK!! that is pretty darn kool ur a regular Lienardo DeVinci huh? lol its pretty kool and i like the "chek a lisa" thing Ricky
- on November 19, 2007
Jack this is great!!! You are very talented!
- on November 14, 2007
This is a very creative modern interpretation of The Mona Lisa. I love the block effect and all the wonderful colors! This artist definitely has my vote for the best.
- on November 14, 2007
I like your "checked" theme throughout the whole artwork. Even the background colors are in a modifed check pattern. Interesting concept...
- on November 14, 2007
Great work - I was really impressed by this concept and didn't realize you had this artistic side. Mom