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neel20's Comments
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Below are comments about neel20's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very creative Neel.
-- Kavita
- on April 19, 2012
That looks so cool! how did you draw it?
-- Arravind
- on February 8, 2012
Colorization rules!
-- Arravind
- on February 8, 2012
Whoa!Its crazy which I like! :D
-- Kyle
- on February 8, 2012
This is such an awesome picture! It looks so realistic!
-- Arravind
- on February 8, 2012
Nice art work Neel. Keep up the good work.
-- Mama
- on February 8, 2012
Go Jets!. How are the Jets playing this year. Any chance of making the playoffs ? Nice art work.
-- Mama
- on February 8, 2012
Lovely art Neel...Keep up the great work !
-- Prutha
- on November 23, 2011
You are doing a great job. I am glad you like art.
-- Vikram
- on March 19, 2011
Under the sea here we go. Great work Neel.
-- Kavita
- on March 19, 2011
What is wild Neel upto ..... Being a scorpion .… are you eating the fish in the deep ocean..... Nice artwork Neel!
-- Mama
- on March 21, 2011
Nice art Neel. It is so colorful. How many different colors did you use
- on April 1, 2010
I love this colorful heart - Mom
- on February 3, 2010
Neel , Nice artwork with so many colors. What is your favorite color ?
- on December 21, 2009
Great work Neel. Keep it up!
- on December 7, 2009
Nice collage Neel Rao ! Can you make one for your Mama too ?
- on December 7, 2009
The "Germ" is amazing. Can you tell me how you made it? Fabulous artwork Neel.
- on November 28, 2009
Amazing colors on the fish ! Great job Neel.
- on November 28, 2009
Neel!!!!! This is such an amazing photo!!!! I am so impressed and I cannot wait to see more of your fabulous work! -Sachi :)
- on November 24, 2009
Wow !! That's a Masterpiece !! Great Work Neel !! Can you teach me some? I'd love to learn from you.... Keep it up !!!
- on November 19, 2009
Thats a Masterpiece !!!Great Work Neel..!! Can you teach me some? I'd love to learn from you.. Keep it up !!!!
- on November 19, 2009
Hey Neel !, does your germ crawl and bite ?
- on November 19, 2009
Great artwork Neel ! Keep up the good work.
- on November 18, 2009
Ooh..what a colorful fish! Neel, you are so good at art!
- on November 18, 2009
I love this artwork. Good job Neel! You are the best.
- on November 18, 2009
Great Germ Neel! I can see you getting better at your art work.
- on November 17, 2009
Great job Neel. We are so proud of your art work.
- on November 16, 2009