This piece of art is so fun and whimsical! I love that you are flying over the lego designer workshop. The road lends it a sense of place and excitement - places to go, things to do! The mix of patterns and colors in the fabric square border add to the whimsy.
- Sharon (Mother) on March 9, 2024
Wow! I love this piece of art! The brush strokes, colors, and tearing technique really make it look like ways an sea foam. The colors for the sky and clouds complement the water colors so nicely. Great work!
- Sharon (Mother) on February 14, 2024
What a great piece of art showcasing Frederick's iconic steeples! The sunset sky with snow is really beautiful. I see you outlined the steeples with a darker marker, and that really makes them pop!
- Sharon (Mother) on January 17, 2024
Tommy, I love your snowman art! The green glasses are really fun, and the blue, green, and purple background make me think of the night sky. I see you added blue and yellow buttons, too, and those colors go really well together.
- Sharon (Mother) on January 17, 2024
I love the green, blue, and purple colors that you used. I also like the variety of different lines that you used!
- Sharon (Mother) on January 26, 2022
Tommy, I really love the colors that you chose the yellow and purple and green and orange combinations are really fun! I also love the vertical and diagonal lines that you made with the pieces of sheet music. This is one of my favorite pieces that you gave done this year. Let's frame it and hang it up in our house! Love, MOM