Isaac20952's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Isaac20952's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work again Isaac! I see this converted to a stained glass window assembly! Nice colors, yummy subject for Dad’s Day!
- Jim on June 19, 2024
Another great colorful painting in the series of potted flowers. Reminiscent in the style of the “Fauvist” artists in the early 20th century. Nice work again Isaac!
- Grandpa Jim on May 29, 2024
Isaac, This one looks like a view of tiny bugs and creatures one might see by looking into swamp water, on a microscope! Great colors going on here.
- GrandpaJim on March 27, 2024
Isaac I love your Miro drawing by Hiro. Keep up with your art work. You have a gift! I love Isaac!
- Grandpa Paul on March 20, 2024
Nice drawing Isaac! My favorite heart is the tiny smiling one. Keep on smiling!
- Grandpa Jim on January 17, 2024
Lovely fresh colors in this piece Isaac. It reminds me of the work of the post impressionist Henri Matisse! Nice job!
- GrandpaJim on May 3, 2023
Hey Isaac, I love your artwork of the snowy village in the shape of a circle. It was a perfect scene to place on the round Christmas that I purchased. Great job, Grandpa Jim
- Jim on March 29, 2023
Lets make that “Winter Scene” not winter seen? Da!
- Grandpa Paul on March 15, 2023
Isaac I love your new winter seen drawing. You have artistic talent. Very good! Grandpa Paul
- Grandpa Paul on March 8, 2023
Isaac, I missed this one earlier. It looks like the kinds of life forms one might see in pond water by looking through a microscope?
- Grandpa Jim on February 8, 2023
Nice use of strong colors Isaac. But that a giant bee I see flying over your nieborhood?
- Grandpa Jim on February 8, 2023
Isaac, this art is very interesting. I'm guessing, but could it be your idea of a solar eclipse?
- Grandpa Jim on February 8, 2023
Very nice drawing, Isaac!
- Paul on January 25, 2023
Isaac, I really like your brilliant colored selection of trees! My favorite could be the money tree? But realistically I think #2 looks like a spruce and #3 could be a white pine? Where #4 must be a tree you might see on an alien planet?
- Grandpa Jim on December 28, 2022
I love this drawing, Isaac. I hope you stick with art. You have a talent. Love Grandpa Paul.
- Paul on December 21, 2022
Beautiful! <3
- Daddy on November 30, 2022
Ooooh yes! I missed this one. Another one that resembles the paintings of the "Fauvist Movement" in 1905
- Grandpa Jim on June 22, 2022
Another great colorful piece of art Isaac! Could it have been inspired by seeing the art of "Henri Matisse?"
- Grandpa Jim on June 22, 2022
I love your flowers, Isaac!
- Daddy on June 15, 2022
- Daddy on June 15, 2022
Wow Isaac! Another great piece of art! Those colorful stripes are in exact order to the colorwheel. Nice work!
- GrandpaJ on June 1, 2022
I love your Zelda and I love you!
- Tom (Father) on May 27, 2022
What a great self portrait Isaac! And so fitting that you are wearing your Aladdin sweatshirt. I love you!
- Tom (Father) on May 16, 2022
Excellent symetry!
- Tom (Father) on May 16, 2022
Isaac, I love this piece of work! It reminds me of the black and white sketches Da Vinci did before he developed his artworks for complex machinery. And I like the frowny face. Why is your robot upset!? I love you Isaac!
- Tom (Father) on May 16, 2022
Isaac, you did it again! Love the way you colored this ink-blot design. Keep up the good talent. You'll be able to do more great art each time you discover ways to see things and put them down on paper. Well done!
- Grandpa Jim on May 9, 2022
Isaac, This drawing is absolutley incredible. To draw so well at your age shows you are very gifted as an artist. I Love it!
- Grandpa Jim on May 4, 2022
Great drawing, Issac. Keep up the good work!
- Paul on February 2, 2022