Ella25887's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Ella25887's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful design and very imaginative. Love your work
- Grandma on January 31, 2024
Beautiful picture and very colorful. You are very talented Ella
- Grandma on January 31, 2024
I love your snowflake Ella very beautiful.
- Grandma on January 31, 2024
Ella, this is beautiful. Great job
- Michel on January 31, 2024
So beautiful and colorful
- Michel on January 10, 2024
Love your art work
- Michel on January 10, 2024
Beautiful snowflake Ella, you are so talented.
- Michel on January 10, 2024
I love these. My very talented granddaughter.
- Grandma on November 8, 2023
Beautiful you are so talented.
- Grandma on November 8, 2023
Ella you are so talented. Beautiful art work.
- Grandma on November 8, 2023
Ella great job.
- Grandma on November 8, 2023
I absolutely love your self portrait baby! It’s beautiful!! Love you ??????
- Sandra (Mother) on November 16, 2021