taylorm11's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about taylorm11's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Taylor: You really have been a great student to have this year ( and last year too!) in art. Keep drawing, even after art class is done, and we can add to your portfolio on Artsonia. Ms. N.
- on January 13, 2008
the mind shows the hand its vision the hand shows others the minds vision I hope you always display the visions you see so others may veiw the inner thougts that you carry also if you become rich at it i can help you vision the way to spend it rick
- on January 13, 2008
Good job Taylor, it is just awesome! Keep it up and good luck tonight as Joseph! Love ya Katie and Mike
- on January 13, 2008
awsome job!!!!! love ya Shawn
- on December 15, 2007
Im so proud of you and the talent you have. You surprize me with these things alot! Great job this is an awsome drawing! I want everyone to see. Love You Mother
- on December 15, 2007