nathans3's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about nathans3's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Job Nathan, Keep up the good work
- on December 11, 2008
Nathan I enjoy so much getting emails that you have new artwork posted. I pop in as soon as I receive notice to check out what's new. Keep up the great work. Emily PS I like em' all but this one's my favorite : )
- on December 11, 2008
Great job keep up the good work.Your work is looking great.
- on March 14, 2008
Great job keep doing the best that u r capable of doing.
- on March 14, 2008
Nathan, You have been a great student and have done a great job in art class. Even though class will be ending soon, please keep making art and bring it in so we can add it to you portfolio! Ms. N.
- on January 14, 2008
This is awesome. Keep up the good work.
- on January 14, 2008
I think that you are doing a great job with your art keep up the good work. I am glad to see that you are getting awards.
- on January 14, 2008
Great job keep up the good work I'm proud of you
- on January 14, 2008
Great Job Nathan very creative.
- on January 10, 2008
It looks great keep up the good work.
- on December 21, 2007
Great job Nathan. I really love your picture. Keep up the good work. (I work with your Mom).
- on December 21, 2007
Really great, Keep up the good work, your Mama is very proud of you
- on December 21, 2007
Great Job, Nathan. You are so talented. Not sure where you got your artistic ability from. I love you, MOM.
- on December 21, 2007
I like it. You look at Mona Lisa in a different way and that is very good. Nobody needs to look at everything in the same way. Way to go!
- on December 13, 2007
Nathan congratulations! This painting is definitely a work of art!
- on November 28, 2007
Nathan, your painting is beautiful. You did great with the colors and I really like the background. Keep up the good work. Peggy. ( I work with your mother who is a very talented lady).
- on November 28, 2007
This is awesome, Nathan!You did a great job...keep it up and one day you might be famous!:) Rock On!!
- on November 28, 2007
Nathan, this artwork is very good. Keep up the good work. Karen
- on November 28, 2007
Nathan you did a great job!! I know you mom is so proud of you and so am I!!!!
- on November 28, 2007
Boy's got skills! Very nice Nathan...friend of your Mom's.
- on November 28, 2007
Great Job Nate-Dog! Quite the Little Artist we have here! Where is my picture?! You no love Tammy Faye no more?!
- on November 15, 2007
Very good job Nathan!! The art work is very colorful. Keep up the good work because becoming an Artist may be you calling in life. Mark Dix
- on November 15, 2007
This is really GREAT. Keep up the good work Toni ( I work with your mother)
- on November 15, 2007