Difficult to draw, especially the flash...excellent rendition, much improvement since the water bottle. I love seeing your artwork, Winn.
- Your Pop on February 27, 2025
Winston, More great artwork from you! Love your shooting stars! You are the brightest star! You are so talented and hope you continue to make art that you are proud of sharing with others! Love you to the moon and back!
- Grandma on October 2, 2024
Hey!!! This is so cool!!! You should show Sophia & Tyler how you made it and make one while you're in town! :)
- Uncle Jared on March 20, 2024
You are really creative with your name art. I’ve never seen anything like this and at first I didn’t see your name! Your color choices and design rocks. Keep up the outstanding work. Love, Grandma Holly
- GH on March 3, 2024
Winn, I'm so impressed with your latest piece of art .I'm focused on the formal elements of the work, including your lines, shading, space, composition, and incredible creativity. I love the mirror images. Never stop experimenting with art... It's very satisfying to the people with whom you share it and must feel good to you. Hungry for pizza now...proud of you. Love, POP
- Pop on February 21, 2024
I love to see all those initials!!! Miss you buddy :) - Uncle Jared
- Uncle Jared on September 27, 2023
Winn, my buddy, I am in awe of this artistic endeavor. You continue to exhibit more and more talent and creativity. It's difficult to point out my favorite parts of this beautiful house. I appreciate the detail, the composition, the colors, the accurate scale of each part of the drawing, and the special touches that make it "yours". You continue to make me proud. POP
- POP aka Popcorn, chicken nugget on May 19, 2023
What a unique and detailed Victorian house! When we FaceTime, would you tell me about who you think could live in this house? I noticed that you were really focused on the details of this house and brought it to life! The steep roof, bright colors, path to the house, shapely and decorative windows all add to the Victorian feel. It looks like two windows are stained glass. Seeing your creativity makes me happy!
- Grandma Holly on May 19, 2023
Winston, Your still life squirt bottle looks so real! I like that your teacher had you draw something different that allowed you to show such amazing detail - I know you love details! Keep enjoying art class and your projects and know that your art makes me and many others smile! Love you!
- Granny Bird on April 5, 2023
Happy Valentine’s Day Winston! Your checkered ?? was perfect to view today! The ??represents love and I ?????????????????? it!
- Holly on February 15, 2023
This stained glass artwork is another favorite! Love your color choices - it looks so real and makes a beautiful print. It was very interesting to find out how you made it look like stained glass. You get to learn so many different ways to create really nice artwork - hope you are proud of what you do! Love you!
- Grandma on February 15, 2023
Winn, Your origami project is another piece of your amazing artwork! I hope you enjoy making art as much as I love seeing it and sharing with others! I wish you could see my smile …and sometimes even happy tears … when I see your work for the first time! Love you bubba!
- Grandma on February 15, 2023
Winn, What an awesome way to display a certificate!!! A bit difficult to read, but you've left the reason for the certificate up to the imagination of the art lover. It creates a "certificate conundrum" (check that word out-it's a good one, I'll give you a hint: You love conundrums!) Back to your artwork...beautifully done, creative composition, well balanced. Worth waiting for, Winn, so proud of you. Stay great, my buddy.
- POP aka Popcorn, chicken nugget on January 31, 2023
Hey Winn, I think the first thing that strikes me is your color composition...the red shading into a dusty black. I guess there is never anything one dimensional or simple about a heart, and you have captured that here. Our hearts are always looking for something and your heart's eyes are clearly searching...great job, my buddy.
- Popcorn, Your Pop on September 21, 2022
Love your use of the red and black colors! And your smiley heart! You are very talented Winn - you show your creativity in everything you do. Can’t wait to see what you do next! Love and big hugs!
- Granny Bird on September 21, 2022
Winston…..what an outstanding and very cool looking flower! Does it remind you of any flowers around your home or school? The little dots you added to the flower are very interesting and unique. It looks so beautiful with soft green leaves. I ordered this from your school so it can be added to “Winston’s Wall of Art”! Remember you have your own art gallery in Grandma Holly and Grandpa Paul’s home.
- Gh(fan) on July 6, 2022
Hey Winn, Very interesting portrayal of a bunny, inspired I'm guessing by the soon to be visit of the famous Easter Bunny. I'm fascinated by your bunny's expression, and I can't help but wonder what he/she is thinking... Such a big and important job coming up? Will I have enough eggs? Should I add that new shade of purple I've been considering? With my thousands of bunny helpers, I hope no one calls in sick? This is a job of great responsibility, but I'm certain I can handle it, and it sure does make me happy? Well, whatever is on bunny's mind, I hope he has patience and determination you obviously had when adding the unique detail to his very handsome face. Another wonderful piece of art, Winston.
- Pop on April 20, 2022
Winston what a hip bunny rabbit! Your detail, color choices and even the bunny’s expression are very creative. The Beatles would love this on their album cover! Grandma Holly and Grandpa Paul are so proud of you. Dream on.
- Jesse Daddy(fan) on April 6, 2022
Winn, I always knew you were, among other talents, an artist. I realized that with your Lion drawing. this painting is especially creative because of its depth, perspective, and the shading. I almost have to put on a jacket to look at it. Wonderful job. Pop(corn)
- Pop on March 16, 2022
Winston it looks like a “winter wonderland “! You did an excellent job and the snow in the trees looks real. The sky with the many shades of blue made me smile and think of a nice day in the winter. It is a beautiful piece of art. YOU are an “artist”. Keep up the outstanding work! Grandma Holly
- GH on February 23, 2022
This is awesome Win!!!! I'll show Sophia later tonight! Uncle Jared :)
- So-So on February 23, 2022
Your drawing looks like a real leaf! I had to look at it several times to make sure if it was real or not. Wow! The way you faded the colors is very cool.
- Grandma Holly on February 23, 2022
Congratulations on your creative masterpiece! Your weaving and the colors you chose are amazing! I can tell you put a lot of work into your piece and had fun doing it!