I cannot express how much I LOVE this picture! It looks like you dreaming of all good things! It is absolutely beautiful and so thoughtfully done! I am amazed at you work Macy!
- Grammy on February 8, 2023
I love this picture! What a cute bird! The background is beautiful and really makes it look like the bird is in a tree in a jungle or forest. Nice work Macy!
- Grammy on February 8, 2023
I love the beautiful picture you have drawn, especially the bright colors you chose for your background.
- Grampy on January 25, 2023
This is beautiful! It looks like a heart laying on a bed of sprinkles!
- Kelly on January 25, 2023
WOW!!! I am in love with this picture! I see so many things in it! I see a side view of the moon and I see a lady in the sun. The sunbeams look like her hair. I see the ocean too! The contrast of the colors all work so well together. This is really beautiful!
- Grammy on January 25, 2023
Macy, this dog is so cute! The way he is sitting looks a lot like the way Sophie sits. I think his fur looks so soft, I want to pet him!