Judson281's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Judson281's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work Jud!
- Mom on September 18, 2024 NEW
Juddy: this would be a sweet Valentine for your mama!
- GiGi on October 17, 2023
This is PawPaw’s very favorite so far. He loves Red, White & Blue! In fact, he loves the colors of the Flag so much he puts out almost 1,000 flags around our Village on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day. He’s so famous our newspaper came out and did a story about him. With a big picture of him too! I’m really proud that PawPaw loves our country so much. I think you should send this particular artwork to him.
- Pam on December 22, 2021
I would title this art ROY G. BIV Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet What is the first letter of every color I listed? It spells Roy G. Biv My science class in sixth grade. Now you’re way ahead of the game! LOVE LOVE the Artwork! Love, Gigi
- Pam on December 22, 2021
Wow! A beautiful Autumn Butterfly!!
- Gigi on December 22, 2021
Great job Judson! I love this one!!
- Carey (Mother) on November 17, 2021