Laken534's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Laken534's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh I love this underwater drawing!! Love your use of color and cool fish and plants! Nice job!!
- Mimi on April 3, 2024
Just love your fish going after that worm through the weeds!! Even a minnow in front of the hook!! Coloring is perfect!!! Great work!!! Grandma Sharon
- Grandma Sharon on April 3, 2024
Your bunny is darling! Love the outfit he chose to wear today!!
- Grandma Sharon on March 6, 2024
Love the cherry on the top!
- Grandma Sharon on March 6, 2024
Just love how the shade looks so amazing! The colors also look great with one another!
- Grandma on March 6, 2024
I love your high class Tiffany lamp! The stained glass lines look so realistic. Wonderful work!
- Blake (Father) on February 21, 2024
Love the coloring on your artwork Laken The painting is amazing!! Keep it up!!!
- Sharon on January 31, 2024
I LOVE this Laken! I love the winter scene looking out your window, and the snowman and mountains are lovely. Great job on this one!!
- Mimi on January 17, 2024
Love these winter scenes, and the snow man from the different cool perspectives!
- Mimi on January 17, 2024
Awesome snowman! Is he sliding? I'm glad TX doesn't have any snow right now to make him for real.
- Blake (Father) on January 11, 2024
So Cool!!
- Grandma Sharon on December 20, 2023
Really cool project! I love the use of color and texture that you used to make this come to life!
- Mimi on December 20, 2023
Just love this guy!!!! His face is fabulous!
- Grandma Sharon on December 6, 2023
Such amazing art work! Just love the vase of flowers!!!
- Sharon on December 6, 2023
This self portrait is out of this world! Wonderful artwork Laken.
- Blake (Father) on October 28, 2023
What a wonderful vase with such happy flowers! I like the geometric shapes all in rows the best!
- Blake (Father) on October 28, 2023
This is one of my absolute favorites that you have done Laken! I love the use of colors! Wonderful job!
- Mimi on December 6, 2023
Love this Laken! You have such a good eye, and have always loved doing art projects! Nice work!
- Mimi on December 6, 2023