Joshua44054's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Joshua44054's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Josh, I like your choice of colors and the variety of shapes in your project. Love, Baba and BPa
- Baba on February 28, 2024
This is way cool - like a dragons mouth!
- Kristen (Mother) on December 26, 2023
Love it! It looks great in the kitchen display cabinet :-) Love Mommo
- Kristen (Mother) on December 26, 2023
Josh, It looks like you were working with clay to make that nice container. Hope you enjoyed the experience! Love Baba and BPa
- Baba on December 26, 2023
Joshua, I liked your colorful artwork. It reminded me of modern artwork with its variety of geometric shapes and colors. Good job! Love, Baba
- Baba on December 26, 2023
Joshua, You had an opportunity to learn about the homeless while on vacation this summer. Your artwork is a creative expression of how sad the situation is for these people. Baba
- Baba on October 1, 2023
Joshua, The homeless shelter that you created, made us stop and think about the sad existence of those without a home.
- Baba on October 1, 2023
Hi Josh, Your monster tongut looks scary ! I'll bet you have a story connected with this artwork. You will have to share your ideas with us. Love, Baba and BPa
- Baba(fan) on May 24, 2023
Hi Joshua, I liked your choice of colors. They blend well together. Your nice loom design reminded me of a bicycle wheel, and we know how much you like to ride your bike! Love, Baba and BPa
- Baba on February 22, 2023
Josh- I really like the variety of colors that you put on your corn. I like the whole drawing, not just the husk. Love, BaBa
- BaBa on December 14, 2022
Joshua, Glad you are doing some artwork. Don't forget to include your nice smile in your self-portraits! Love, Baba
- Baba on December 2, 2022
Josh, Your art is colorful and filled with alot of symbols. I would like you to share with me the meaning of what you have created.
- Baba on April 27, 2022
Joshua, We like your pencil still life. You have arranged the pencils in an interesting way and have chosen a nice variety of colors. Keep up the good work! Love, BaBa and B-Pa
- Baba and BPa on April 27, 2022
Joshua, I love your choice of blue and the variety of green colors. BaBa and BPa
- Baba on April 27, 2022
Hi Joshua, Your cityscape is very interesting. You will need to tell me more about it. To me, it looks like it is a very dark night, perhaps stormy, and is a smaller, deserted city, perhaps out West. Love, BaBa and BPa
- Margie on January 26, 2022
Hi Joshua, Thank you for your nice invitation to see your artwork! You are doing a very nice job in expressing your ideas ! B-Pa and I will enjoy seeing more of your artistic expression. Love, BaBa and B-Pa
- Baba(fan) on November 9, 2021
Joshua, Thank you for the nice invitation to see your artwork. You are doing a very nice job in expressing your ideas. B-Pa and I will look forward to seeing more of your work!
- Baba(fan) on November 9, 2021
Love it! Nice work ??
- Kristen (Mother) on November 2, 2021
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