Alyssa2226's Comments (95)

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Below are comments about Alyssa2226's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Both your Valentine Bears are beautiful. Hope you had a nice Valentine. Tell your Parents and Grandma hi for me. Alicia
- on March 23, 2009
Very colorful. I like it. Keep up the good work. Alicia
- on February 9, 2009
Wow this is a pretty cool car. How did you do it? You'll have to tell me next time I see you Alicia
- on February 9, 2009
Alyssa, your unicorn is a cutey. Missed you this week, get well. Sherry
- on February 9, 2009
I just love your Cristmas drawings Alyssa. Mel
- on December 11, 2008
Alyssa, it looks like you are snowed in for the Holidays, beautiful little piece of art.
- on December 11, 2008
What a wonderful Christmas picture. You are becoming a very talented artist. Keep up the good work. I love looking at your pictures Alicia Merry Christmas
- on December 11, 2008
WOW!!! What a great picture. Merry Christmas Tell your Mom and Grandma I said Merry Christmas to them also. Alicia
- on December 3, 2008
Very nice, Merry Christmas & Happy New year. Love You! "Great" Uncle Mark & Aunt Ruby
- on December 3, 2008
Alyssa, the birds have beautiful cozy homes for the holidays, love the snowy weather.
- on December 3, 2008
Alyssa, your nutcracker is so ready for Christmas holidays, well done. Sherry
- on December 3, 2008
Those little birds look warm and snuggly in their house. GREAT PICTURE!!!
- on November 19, 2008
Alyssa, Now that is the way to spent Christmas.
- on November 19, 2008
What a beautiful winter home for the birds. They look all warm and cozy. great job!
- on November 19, 2008
Very Colorful!! I like the idea of people of different colors dancing together.
- on November 13, 2008
What music are they dancing to? Ben (Tim's bro)
- on November 13, 2008
Alyssa, so many words for colors but this is a fun way to learn them again.
- on November 13, 2008
Funky dancers!!!!!!!!! Lots of words for colors.
- on November 13, 2008
This is such a happy piece of art, makes you want to join in the dancing! Great job
- on November 5, 2008
What colors, just like Peter Max would have done.
- on November 4, 2008
Nice colors!
- on October 29, 2008
Wow!!! Good drawing! She looks like you. Alicia
- on October 29, 2008
I can see the spider has some dinner. I guess even spiders need to eat. I just glad I don't have to eat what spiders eat. Nice picture! Alicia
- on October 29, 2008
OOHH!!! SCARY Hope you have a fun and safe Halloween. Alicia
- on October 29, 2008
alyssa, i love the spider web and the house. the colors in the house are excellent. by the way, i saw a tarantula the other day while i was hiking. it was big, black and hairy. mel
- on October 29, 2008
Your drawing of the house is so spooky, like the colors you used.
- on October 29, 2008
Ittsy bitsy spider looks like he has breakfast lunch and dinner hanging in his web/
- on October 29, 2008
oh my gosh I love this one.... Alyssa you are so very talented.!!! thank you so much for sharing... love you, aunt raylene
- on October 20, 2008
WOW that amazing how you put all three pictures together. You are learning soooo much. I bet you Mom and Grandma are very proud of you. So am I. Alicia
- on October 20, 2008
Wow! Your Triptych is great, and compared to last years, you have come along way with your skills. Keep up the good work.
- on October 20, 2008
Very colorful. You are such a good artist!!!
- on October 13, 2008
Nice Scarcrow. You did a great job on him!!!
- on October 13, 2008
Is this a REAL place in China? Wouldn't it be cool to actually visit China when you are older!
- on October 13, 2008
This Clown looks like he is having fun.
- on October 13, 2008
I like this one also. Did you know there was an old movie named 'Fiddler on the Roof'? Have you seen it?
- on October 13, 2008
I like her. She looks like she is ready for a dance.
- on October 13, 2008
Wow! Pipe cleaners. What a cool looking bird.
- on October 13, 2008
Cool picture!!!! It reminds me of your old house in Lovelock.
- on October 13, 2008
thats the prettiest parrot ive ever seen !!!
- on October 8, 2008
That is the most beautiful bird I have ever seen and the two babies in the nest look so happy. Thank you for sharing it with us.
- on October 8, 2008
What a wonderful old barn, any horse would be happy to have that as a home and I love the chickens and the one in the top of the barn.
- on October 8, 2008
Your grandma Pat is right this is a pretty bird and the green does look like a big snake.
- on October 8, 2008
Your farm is impressive they all look happy on the farm.
- on October 7, 2008
Wow Alyssa, I really like this one. The colors are awesome. Melissa
- on October 6, 2008
I love the colors of the pumpkins and the sunflowers are wonderful!!
- on October 6, 2008
Look at you, your sunflowers look better this year than last year when you were having a hard time drawing 'flowers'. Your drawings are getting better, keep up the work.
- on October 6, 2008
Ah, a gate to the ocean, when can I come for a swim?
- on September 29, 2008
Your Moon Gate looks inviting to the ocean.
- on September 22, 2008
What a fun clown!
- on September 22, 2008
Imaginary colors for a fanciful version of Marc Chagall.
- on September 22, 2008
Your drawing skills have improved.
- on September 22, 2008
Alyssa I love the bird. That is adorable. Mel
- on September 15, 2008
That's what home reminds me of too. See ya' next weekend. Remind your parents and grandma. Alicia
- on May 21, 2008
WOW!!! That's cool!!!
- on May 21, 2008
Alyssa, I reaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy like this picture. Good job. Mel
- on May 17, 2008
Your design worked out great. You looked a bit flustered trying to get the mouth right but it turned out fine, aren't you glad you kept working at it.
- on May 17, 2008
In your painting of you and your mom, it looks like you really love her. Hope you had a nice Mother's Day.
- on May 17, 2008
Alyssa, you have a beautiful knot.. you will see more friends coming than you would ever imagine. From Tim
- on May 17, 2008
This picture is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!:) It looks just like you and your momma.....Your amazingly blessed keep the pictures coming!!! Love your greatest fans Jenny and Sean
- on May 9, 2008
What a great picture Alyssa. It looks just like you two. How is Bob doing? Mel
- on May 9, 2008
Wow!!! I like the colors!! Who is that a picture of? Alicia
- on May 9, 2008
Alyssa, You are so lucky to have such a nice and pretty mom. I hope you can come to my wedding. Alicia
- on May 9, 2008
im in third grade and i can't draw that good if you go on the username cathleen10 youll see yours is better
- on May 9, 2008
She looks like she is all dressed up for game day. Maybe a baseball game and the hat will shade her. Love the jewelery.
- on April 26, 2008
Wow!! I knew we had something in common. We have the same initials. Have a fun day. Alicia Craig AC
- on April 26, 2008
The softness of the watercolor makes for a lovely day swimming and playing at sunset.
- on April 26, 2008
This one reminds me of a Jewish symbol. What a wonderful combination Jewish and Irish. I like the way you've weaved it together. Alicia
- on April 10, 2008
Wow I didn't know you were Irish. Thanks for the blessing. Alicia
- on April 10, 2008
This very colorful. I've never seen a bunny with spots like that but I think they would look cool if they had these kink of spots. Alicia
- on April 10, 2008
Spring must be here with an Easter bunny in the grass. He looks like he is made of candy with sprinkles on him.
- on April 10, 2008
In Irish Celtic tradition, may your blessing be also upon your life and family. Your drawing skills are improving lesson by lesson. Isn't art fun!
- on March 21, 2008
I love the pastel colors in this picture~ It really has me looking forward to spring! Good job. Mom
- on March 18, 2008
Wow Alyssa, I can see that you're going to be a great artist when you grow up. Melissa & Erica
- on March 17, 2008
Welcome back. Your study of Celtic knots worked great and the color makes it easy to 'read' the over under cords.
- on March 17, 2008
Was it ever a challenge! Over, under, over, under........
- on March 17, 2008
I really like the flow of this one alyssa very pretty your so talented!!!!
- on March 17, 2008
Alyssa this picture is beautiful...I love your santa it should be hung up EVERYWHERE you are so talanted I can't wait to see where these amazing talants take you Love your antie Jenny
- on February 5, 2008
Alright ready for spring. So am I. Alicia
- on January 29, 2008
WOW!! Very colorful AC. Hearts, flowers and teddy bears are my favorite things. Good work. Alicia
- on January 29, 2008
Alyssa, I just love this snowman picture! It is so beautiful, crisp and filled with life. I know I'm really lucky to have th original, that uses different texure of chalk and ink. I'm so proud of you! Mom
- on January 23, 2008
Alyssa, this is so beautiful. i did not like abstract art before i went to the beautiful art museums in Philadelphia with Aunt Jenny and there i saw how beautiful it was. Yours should be in one of those great art galleries..this one is makes me smile and the more i look at it the more i just love Aunt raylene
- on January 23, 2008
Your unique way of painting a color wheel worked great. Hope it helped in understanding the range of colors to make in watercolors. Look forward to your watercolor paintings to come.
- on January 23, 2008
WOW, look out Picasso! These are GREAT Alyssa.Keep up the beautiful work.
- on January 23, 2008
you done such a good job I love my copy I have of it I framed it keep up the good work
- on January 19, 2008
Hi Alyssa! Greetings from Lovelock. Your artwork is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with us. George & Melanie
- on January 19, 2008
Hum. Makes me wonder what she is thinking. Good work. Alicia
- on January 19, 2008
Simple and elegent. Alicia
- on January 19, 2008
yummm Makes me hungry. Alicia
- on January 19, 2008
This is a cool picture. It reminds me of your old house. Alicia
- on January 19, 2008
I like this bear. She looks cuddly. Alicia
- on January 19, 2008
Wow!! Alyssa You are an amazing artist. Cool, Your Friend Alicia
- on January 19, 2008
Alyssa, Great job. I love your artwork, it is fantastic. Keep up the good work. We will keep checking in to see it. Love, Glenn, Elsie, Glenda, Shaw and Cooper
- on January 19, 2008
Your painting of Santa turned out great. Your use of the oil pastels was perfect for Santa's portrait.
- on January 16, 2008
Your little princess is dressed so pretty but looks like she really wants to go play. I hope her queen mother doesn't mind the pretty dress getting messed up after playing outside.
- on January 16, 2008
Alyssa You have dared to be "adventurous" with your drawing since the start of your lessons. Keep up the exploring new ways to express yourself. Your instructor, Sherry
- on December 18, 2007