Owen, I love your cabin here in this Winter season picture. Brings back memories for me as a little girl, going to my Dad’s cabin in the mountains. We had a lot of fun in the winter tobogganing down the mountain slopes. However, yours is really cool knowing there is a ski slope near by. I see your ski lift in the background. Would love to visit your cabin sometime. You showed great creativity in your cabin art project. xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on March 5, 2025 NEW
A very pretty painted present Owen. I love the colors and design. Very interesting how the bow and tag are attached. I’m sure you’re hoping for lots of presents under the tree this Christmas. xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on January 1, 2025
Your cake looks delicious, Owen! But I am wondering why there is a person popping out of it. Maybe the person is trying to surprise someone. I would be very surprised if someone jumped out of a cake. Would you? You did a very nice job depicting the shadow behind the cake.
- Nan on November 14, 2024
Your science lab looks a little spooky, Owen! What kind of potions did you mix up? I like how you made them so pretty! I might even drink one! How about you?
- Nan on November 14, 2024
If that is a cake, it looks delicious! Especially that little thing on top!
- Grandpa on November 14, 2024
Sorry Owen. I meant to write a comment concerning your final art work in 2nd grade. I believe this is your creation of your gumball machine? Looks like you’ve been indulging quite often. You will soon need to fill it up again. I like the happy face on your machine. Would be fun to have one of your own. I will look forward to seeing more of your artwork in third grade. Have a FUN summer! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on July 1, 2024
I want to be encouraging, but I don't know what this is? Does it have a title? I like the beach scene and the thing in the small boat (?), but what is it all about? Keep up the good creative work, Owen. Grandpa
- Grandpa on July 1, 2024
Very nice composition, Owen. You get better with each new art project! Love you.
- Grandpa on July 1, 2024
Owen, your painted elephant looks GREAT! I bet this is the Elephant you visited in Margate, NJ. You did a good job replicating it. I love the bright colors you used! You’re becoming quite the artist?? xoxo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on May 7, 2024
I love your picture of the elephant! He looks very regal! He reminds me a little of Babar. Did you think of him when you were drawing this?
- Nan on May 7, 2024
What a beautiful wish for the world, Owen! Every person needs to have hope! I love how you made the O into a heart!
- Nan on February 29, 2024
Oh my golly Owen! What an adorable penguin! Love his scarf, love his hat and the beautiful Northern Lights surrounding him. I can tell you are taking more time creating your artwork. Could this be Peter the penguin? I love penguins, and especially this one you created! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on February 7, 2024
All those sparkles at the top of the page look like fireworks, Owen! Did you get to stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve? I’m sure your whole family was celebrating!
- Nan on January 24, 2024
Looks like an exciting, beautiful night in your city of fireworks Owen! People are seeing quite a light show in the sky. I love the colors you chose. The New Year is certainly something to celebrate, and what better way than with fireworks! xoxo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on January 24, 2024
Hi Owen! What a great snowman! And look at those pine trees and all the pretty background colors you used for this very creative work of art! I love your snowman’s big smile, and I know you will have a big smile if we are blessed with some snow this Winter for you to build a real snowman of your own! This picture is another one of your best pieces of art! xoxo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on January 4, 2024
Great looking happy snowman, Owen.
- Grandpa on December 6, 2023
WOW Owen! I think this is my all time favorite of your art work! Is that Gritty in your picture? And I love your deer among the the trees. Beautiful colors in this picture! You did a GREAT job! Momma needs to frame this one! xoxo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on December 6, 2023
So sorry Owen I missed commenting on your FABULOUS castle. Looks like you have it well guarded! Those are mighty huge steps leading up to the Castle door. Perhaps they are to deter any enemies even trying to get through your castle doors. I like that you chose a nighttime sky to show all the bright stars glowing beautifully over your castle?? What a fun art project to create! I love it! xoxo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on December 6, 2023
I love all the stars in your sky, Owen! It must be nighttime. It looks like a meteor is there too! Who are all the people surrounding the building?
- Nan on December 6, 2023
Hi Owen! I Iove your scarecrow because he looks nasty enough to scare away the crows or just about anyone else! Great colors used also! Looks like you are all ready for Fall and for one of your favorites, Halloween! Keep up the good work with your art! xoxo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on November 1, 2023
Love your scarecrow, Owen! He looks a little scary! I bet he does a great job scaring away all the birds! Does he have a name? Love you, Owen!
- Nan on October 11, 2023
This is a beautiful Koi fish Owen?? I love the colors you used! Have you ever seen real Koi fish? I have, and they are beautiful and fun to watch swimming around in their habitat. I hoped you learned something about Koi fish you could share with Grandpa and me! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on July 6, 2023
Looks like you’re getting ready for summer fun Owen?? I love this sandcastle you created, and I hope you get a chance this summer to create an actual real life sandcastle in that huge sandbox called the beach! Is that a little hermit crab or sand crab admiring your castle? He’s cute, and I bet he will enjoy stepping inside your castle! Have a fun summer! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on July 6, 2023
I love how pretty your vase is, Owen! It would look very nice in your house! Cherry blossoms are one of my favorite flowers! Love you! Nan
- Nan(fan) on June 8, 2023
Pretty cherry blossoms Owen. And what a lovely decorated vase you have them in. I wish the blossoms could last longer on the trees, but at least we’re blessed to enjoy them for a short while. xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on May 15, 2023
I would love to live in your house, Owen! It looks very cosy! The sky looks so pretty with all the colorful swirls above it!
- Nan on May 11, 2023
I love all the colors you used, Owen! Your ship looks like it’s sailing in the sea and the birds above are flying in the sky! Is your little person lost or just happy to get off the boat?
- Nan on April 19, 2023
So sorry Owen. Grammy meant to get back to this artwork on boats. Is that you waiting on the beach for the boat or waving as it drifts by? I see a lot of seagulls in the sky. Perhaps it’s a fishing boat, and those gulls are hoping for an easy dinner! I love the colors you used, and it looks like you drew the detail and water colored the sea and sky? Well done! I love your boat artwork. xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on April 19, 2023
What a beautiful “Heart” creation Owen! I believe blue and yellow are favorite colors of yours. I like how each heart is different and on a different background. If I had to choose, my favorite heart is the blue one on the white background. Keep up the good Art work Owen! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on April 11, 2023
That’s a beautiful heart, Owen. The colors are so soft and pretty and they all blend together so nicely! Are you giving it to someone special?
- Nan on February 23, 2023
I love your happy cardinals, Owen! They look so cheerful! You did a wonderful job depicting the birds sitting on tree branches!
- Nan on February 23, 2023
Oh WOW Owen! What a beautiful Valentine Heart! I love the pretty pastel colors you used! Mommy is going to LOVE hanging up your Heart! A coffee mug with this pretty heart printed on, would be enjoyed by me! Hint, hint. xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on February 23, 2023
What a pretty Winter picture of cardinals in the snow. I gather they are sitting on tree branches. Nicely done Owen. Definitely a favorite of mine. xo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on February 15, 2023
Wow Owen?? This is beautifully done. I love the colors you chose to make your name stand out and your coloring is very good! You are becoming quite the artist! xo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on February 15, 2023
Beautuful Cardinals, Owen!
- Grandpa on February 15, 2023
Who’s that little guy in your drawing, Owen? He looks like a little mouse in the middle of the world with the sky above him!
- Nan on February 15, 2023
I love all the colors and shapes in the picture, Owen. You did a great job making an interesting composition of shapes.
- Nan on February 15, 2023
Very colorful, Owen. Keep up the good work!
- Grandpa on February 15, 2023
A very snowy picture Owen. Is this a cat in the snow, keeping warm with a knitted sweater and hat? I really like your snowy picture! xo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on February 7, 2023
Owen...this is one of the very best drawings that you have ever done! Looks like you watching the snow globe, while Socky watches over the Christmas tree. Nice work, Owen.
- Grandpa on January 4, 2023
Those are some mighty big apples in your basket Owen! I like your use of a blue color scheme which makes your apple basket stand out. I know you like blue! Did you know Grandpa eats an apple every day? He would make good use of your basket of apples! Nice work Owen! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on November 25, 2022
What a colorful spiderweb, Owen! I’d love to see the spider who wove it. He must be pretty colorful too! Love you!
- Nan on October 30, 2022
I love the way your rocket looks blasting off, Owen! The other planet looks a little scared but I think he’s safe! Good job on all the details!
- Nan on October 19, 2022
WOW Owen!! This is one of your best projects yet! I love your idea of what you think outer space is like! And what a colorful rocket! Are you in there?! Maybe in your dreams! But you never know what your future may bring! Good work! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on October 19, 2022
It’s amazing what we can create using different shapes. I like your little person here and the colors you chose. Good job cutting too. xoxo
- Grammy Suzie on September 30, 2022
I love the colors you used for this, Owen! Great job cutting too!
- Nan on September 30, 2022
What a lovely bouquet Owen! I can tell you love the colors blue and green. I do too. Your blue background really makes your bouquet stand out?? This is a bouquet that will last a long time! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on June 29, 2022
I love the colors in this picture, Owen! Is the chameleon trying to hide in the colors?
- Nan on May 23, 2022
Great aquarium Owen! Different sized fish and even a octopus swim in your blue waters! You even have a sunken ship for your fish to explore, or even to play hide and seek! I love the bright colors you used to frame your aquarium. Did you name your fish? I’m sure you had fun doing this project! Grammy loves it! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on April 25, 2022
I love your picture, Owen! I really like how happy all the sea creatures are and the big smiles they have on their faces! This is a beautiful picture!
- Nan on March 30, 2022
What a happy tiger you painted, Owen! Does he have a name? I really like how you put in a beautiful frame! Love you!
- Nan on March 20, 2022
FANTASTIC Owen! Grammy loves your Tiger! Bet you had FUN creating him! The way you framed your orange tiger with green leaves is perfect. There is a lot of green in the jungle. Keep up the great artwork. Art was always a favorite of mine! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on March 20, 2022
BEAUTIFUL Birdhouse Owen! I love the colors you chose! I think this project is one of my favorites of all your artwork so far! I remember Jack and Nora doing their birdhouses and they both did a great job with theirs!! In fact, I have a mug with Jack’s birdhouse print. Hint, Hint, Grammy has a birthday coming up. Maybe your Momma could consider this on a magnet?!! :):) xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on March 20, 2022
I Love Giraffes Owen. And I Love, Love, Love the colors you used for giraffe! It must have been FUN creating this Giraffe of yours. You put a smile on my face with this colorful giraffe??xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on March 20, 2022
What a beautiful HEART, Owen?? I love the fringe around your heart. And I can see you love your Mom very much. She is sure to be your Valentine after seeing this lovely heart message!! Happy Valentine’s Day Owen!! Grammy and Grandpa love you to the moon and back xoxo Grammy
- Grammy Suzie on March 20, 2022
What a cute little hat your polar bear is wearing, Owen! And I love how dressed up he is- he’s even wearing a bow tie!
- Nan on February 2, 2022
What big snowflakes you made, Owen! I love how cozy and warm your house looks! Your house looks like somewhere I’d like to live!
- Nan on February 2, 2022
This looks just like you if you were a snowflake, Owen! Haha! You did a great job making a pattern with the paper!
- Nan on February 2, 2022
LOVE your Snowflake person, Owen!! And your frame design around it is very pretty! I use to enjoy cutting paper snowflakes, and interestingly, each one would turn out different from the other. Did you know each snowflake that falls from the sky has its own unique design? No two are alike! Just like people, we each have our own unique design, each God’s Masterpiece! Snowflakes are His Winter masterpieces! If I was a snowflake, my name would be Suzy Snowflake! I hope we have more snow so we can watch all those snowflakes fall from the sky, and you can pack them all together to make a Snowman! Some Winter FUN!! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on February 2, 2022
Owen, your cup of hot chocolate looks delicious, especially with those marshmallows you added! And I LOVE your snowman mug! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on February 2, 2022
This is a great drawing, Owen! The hot chocolate looks so real I can almost taste it! I love how you made the steam rise up to make it look hot! I wish I had a mug with a snowman on it just like the one you drew!
- Nan on December 14, 2021
CUTE penguins Owen! They are a favorite of mine! They look like they are getting ready for Christmas and some cold weather ahead! I like their hats! Wouldn’t it be fun to have a pet penguin?! Only in our dreams. Meanwhile, we’ll enjoy watching them at the zoo! Good artwork Owen! Merry Christmas! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on December 14, 2021
This is a cute little owl sitting in a tree, Owen! I love the starry sky behind him! You did a great job making it look so real!
- Nan on December 14, 2021
These cute little penguins look like they’re having a party! What are they celebrating? Is it Christmas! They look like they’re holding presents! I love penguins! I bet you do too, Owen!
- Nan on December 14, 2021
Well Owen, look at you all surrounded by numbers and letters! And being a rainbow project, I certainly love the bright colors. However, I have some questions about this one, so perhaps you can tell me all about it when we visit for Thanksgiving! Be seeing you soon! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on December 14, 2021
What a scary black cat Owen! I feel bad for that little unsuspecting mouse! Do you think the cat will be able to catch him? If he does, what a proud cat he will be! Poor mouse! I enjoyed this black cat artwork of yours! Good job! xo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on December 14, 2021
That's one angry looking jackolantern Owen. Nice job!
- Grandpa on November 10, 2021
Owen, your pumpkin looks like he’s wearing a black cat mask! Or is that black cat inside the pumpkin? Pumpkins and black cats are all about Halloween! I really like your pumpkin, and OH MY, those teeth!!!! I’m sure you enjoyed creating this pumpkin project! Happy Halloween! Have fun! xoxo Grammy Suzie
- Grammy Suzie on November 10, 2021
Love this Jack-o-lantern Owen! It’s a little scary but still fun! Happy Halloween!
- Aunt Kristen on November 10, 2021
It’s almost Halloween, Owen! I love your pumpkin with the green leaf on top! You did a great job! And your cat is scary! Boo!