Sydney22054's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about Sydney22054's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow!! Great job Sydney ?? Your hexagon definitely looks 3D. I love the colours you chose and the orange background really makes your hexagon pop out. You should be really proud of your hard work.
- Nicole on June 26, 2024
Dear Sydney, I like the texture of the yarn in your work. The colours flow nicely together in that wavy pattern. Great job! Dad
- Jaret (Father) on March 27, 2024
What a great piece of cardboard art! How did you cut everything?
- Jaret (Father) on January 20, 2024
Neat house Syd! Can’t wait to see it in person
- Nicole on January 23, 2024
What a great abstract self portrait! The colours really pop. This is one of my favourites
- Nicole (Mother) on October 28, 2023
Sydney that is wild !!! Neat colours! So abstract I like it.
- Jaret (Father) on October 28, 2023
Very well done with this abstract art! It looks like you worked very hard on this one. Great colours
- Nicole on October 25, 2023
Very well done with this abstract art! It looks like you worked very hard on this one. Great colours
- Nicole on October 25, 2023
I enjoyed the abstract design of this one, the colour choices are very good. Well done.
- Jaret (Father) on October 14, 2023
Beautiful painting of a sunset on your rock Sydney! It reminds me of summer
- Nicole on October 4, 2023
Omg I love this! I know your love for pasta??
- Nicole (Mother) on July 12, 2023
Is that raspberry juice? What assignment was this dear?
- Jaret (Father) on May 31, 2023
The colours look like they are definitely Jackson! Did you use a photo or go from memory?
- Dad on May 31, 2023
What a great portrait of Jackson!! I know how hard you try Sydney and it makes me happy and proud ??
- Nicole (Mother) on May 25, 2023
Great job Syd!! Those chocolates look delicious ??
- Nicole (Mother) on February 28, 2023
Sydney I like your box of chocolates from Valentine’s Day. The lines are straight and sharp and I would try a chocolate if they were real. Love Dad
- Jaret (Father) on February 28, 2023
The many dots take patience good work and colour choices.
- Jaret on March 1, 2023
Interesting color choices, dad has a hard time telling shades of red and green. I will see it differently than you. :)
- Jaret on March 1, 2023
The scissor work looks sharp here and I have seen the style of art on an album cover. I am glad you are enjoying the creative process. ??
- Jaret (Father) on December 14, 2022
Great job on the zombie picture! I like how one of the zombies is missing his head!
- Nicole on December 14, 2022
Great job on the zombie picture! I like how one of the zombies is missing his head!! Great work
- Nicole on December 14, 2022
Very nicely done Sydney . I like the V shape and how the colours come together.
- Papa on October 19, 2022
MMMMM, I think I spot a pizza pattern and music notes. Is it a Pepperoni pattern and a Lady GaGA song in the tree?
- Dad on October 19, 2022
Excellent job using different lines and shapes!! Also like the colours that were used??
- Nicole on October 19, 2022
Beautifully done Syd!! So proud of you ??
- Nicole (Mother) on June 22, 2022
I love how simple shapes and colours are put together in this piece. Will you do another with different shapes? I like abstract art.
- Dad on June 22, 2022
Very nicely done Syd. Your favourite colors too. I like the use of the different shapes. This is really very attractive.
- Papa on May 18, 2022
I can tell this hamster has lots of love. The hearts and colours are great and the whiskers too.
- Jaret (Father) on March 7, 2022
Excellent job on your hamster Sydney!! Love the materials and colours you used!!
- Nicole (Mother) on March 2, 2022
Nice use of bright colours Sydney . Makes us happy!
- Papa on March 2, 2022
I love seeing all the people that are important to you Sydney!! Excellent job!
- Nicole (Mother) on February 15, 2022
Beautifully done Sydney!! I love all the different types of writing for Sydney that you used! Love the colors. It looks very abstract ??
- Nicole (Mother) on December 6, 2021
I like how you used your name in different ways Sydney and the use of such a bright color. way to go! Keep experimenting, I love it.
- Papa on December 8, 2021
I love the pattern you have created with the black background and the colours coming through. It looks like flowers in a jungle. well done Sydney
- GRAMMA GLENDA on December 1, 2021
That took a lot of work Sydney . Very beautifully done! That is a nice contrast with the black and gold.
- Dennis on December 1, 2021
I like the black material and the way the gold pen looks on it. Have you ever been to an Art Museum? Great work!
- Jaret (Father) on November 24, 2021
Awesome job Syd! Keep up the good work!!
- Nicole (Mother) on November 9, 2021
Excellent work with the letter S!! Love the bright colors you used!
- Nicole (Mother) on October 12, 2021