Phillip3438's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Phillip3438's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow Philly, this is so cool my dude. You really have a talent for art and make me so proud every day my man. Daddy loves you buddy! Great job!
- Zac (Father) on December 6, 2023
Oh my goodness Philly, Aunt Boo absolutely love your artwork. You did such an amazing job! What a great little artist you are! We love you baby boy!
- Hanna Hanks on December 6, 2023
Hey Buddy, this looks great dude! Daddy is always proud of how well you do at school and how much you help me at home! Keep up the good work bud!
- Zac (Father) on May 3, 2023