Alanna95's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Alanna95's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lanni- I love your artwork! You are so talented, and I love the colors that you chose. Keep it up! Love you bunches! Grandma and Grandpa Powers xxxooo
- on January 31, 2009
Alanna, you are so talented! We love all of your work, but your owl is our favorite! We love you! GranGran and Grandpa Powers xxxooo
- on November 10, 2008
I love it baby it's wonderful - love mommy
- on May 19, 2008
You just keep getting better. I am very pourd of you. Love Grandma
- on March 20, 2008
Wonderful work baby love Mommy!
- on March 20, 2008
beatutful Frankenstien sweetheart....
- on February 18, 2008