Matteo1383's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Matteo1383's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love this artwork too! Nice job Matteo!
- Fanny (Mother) on December 6, 2022
Great Job Matteo! I love the colors you used and the shapes.
- Fanny (Mother) on December 6, 2022
Awesome job, Matteo! Love it :)
- Fanny (Mother) on March 16, 2022
One of his favorite shapes. Nice Job Matteo!
- Fanny (Mother) on January 19, 2022
I like this one a lot too, Great work! :)
- Fanny (Mother) on January 19, 2022
Awesome Job, Matteo!
- Fanny - Mom on January 19, 2022
Great Job, Matteo! Looks great!
- Fanny - Mom on January 19, 2022
Great shapes, circles and triangles. Nice Job Matteo!
- Fanny (Mother) on January 5, 2022
Beautiful painting! Love the colors. Nice Job Matteo! :)
- Fanny (Mother) on January 5, 2022