Zack, Your art continues to improve with each new drawing. Keep up the good work young man! Pop loves you buddy!
- Nana And Pop on May 25, 2023
What a beautiful sun! I love how you used the colors!
- Baba (Father) on May 23, 2023
Pop loves your new art work ZACK ! Keep up the good work . Love you, Pop
- Nana And Pop on May 4, 2022
This was the BEST valentine's day present ever!
- Baba (Father) on February 22, 2022
Wow, I love this one! I love that you used your favorite colors for the snowman’s hat. He is very realistic!
- Mama on May 4, 2022
Wow, I love this one! I love that you used your favorite colors for the snowman’s hat. He is very realistic!
- Mama on May 4, 2022
Zack, I love your art. You know one of my favorites is the rainbow. I love bright colors. You have it all, the sun for light and the cloud for moisture to make such a beautiful piece of art. Keep it up. Good auntie s
- Sharon on October 20, 2021
Great job ZACK . We are proud of our artist . We love you buddy !
- Nana And Pop on October 20, 2021
Great job ZACK . Nana & Pop are very proud of your art . Thanks for sharing. We love you buddy.
- Pop & Nana on October 20, 2021
So beautiful! I love it and you! You are such a great artist.