Adam1998's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Adam1998's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Adam, I love your art work .I like how you used alot of different colors in your art.Warm and cold colors.
-- Emma
- on July 15, 2010
Adam, wow! I love your ice ceam cone. Looks good enough to eat! keep up the great art work. Love Grandma
- on July 15, 2010
Adam, Thanks for sending me this self portrait! I love your smile. Where is your hair? Great work, Grandma
- on July 15, 2010
Adam, I love your clowns! I love you too! Grandma
- on July 15, 2010
Adam, I love your drawings of circus clowns! I am so proud of you. Keep sending me more. Grandma
- on February 28, 2008
I sure think you are doing great on your artwork! I love to look at the beautiful colors and designs. Grandma
- on February 28, 2008