Cora4012's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Cora4012's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your polar bear Cora! You are such a good artist. Nana loves you!!
- Cindy on February 16, 2022
Ooooo! I love your polar bear. You are so artistic Cora and you do such a good job at school! Thank you for sharing. Nana loves you!
- Cindy on February 16, 2022
What a beautiful penguin Cora! You are a great artist. I love this creation. Love, Nana
- Nana on January 12, 2022
Nice pumpkin, Cora!
- Grandpa Don on December 1, 2021
Wow, Cora!! You are such a good artist. I love all the colors you are using. Proud of you Cora. Nana loves you.
- Cindy(fan) on November 11, 2021