Daniel44162's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Daniel44162's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Danielito, I love this! I love the details - stripes and squiggles! <3 Mami
- July (Mother) on March 9, 2022
Daniel your artwork is amazing!! Love You
- YAMMA on March 9, 2022
Daniel what a wonderful job you did with colors as bright as you are!! Love Yamma
- Yamma on February 23, 2022
Daniel what a wonderful job you did with colors as bright as you are!! Love Yamma
- Yamma on February 23, 2022
Me gustan mucho las formas que dibujaste Danielito. Yo creo que cada persona interpreta el arte de formas diferentes. Yo le digo a tu primo Esteban que lo interpreto como un paisaje. Y él dice que son unas escaleras y que alguien se cayó porque habían muchos juguetes regados. Podrías decirnos si alguno de los dos está en lo cierto?
- Camila(fan) on November 10, 2021