Eloise1260's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Eloise1260's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Eloise, Your folk art is a beautiful combination of colors. I really like the purple you chose for the fox and I noticed the pretty crown she is wearing. I also like the way she looks like she is relaxed and sitting down with her legs under her and her eyes closed for a rest. Nice job! Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on April 23, 2024
Oh Eloise, this is marvelous! There are so many wonderful elements in this artwork and they balance perfectly! It is fully. if joy and a sense of humor, I think. I love this and imagine it as an illustration for a story, but instead of the story inspiring the illustration, the illustration inspires me to imagine the story!! Love Kathleen
- Kathleen on April 23, 2024
Dear Eloise, I think this cityscape/skyline painting is spectacular! To me it looks a lot like the San Francisco skyline with the Salesforce tower and the tall buildings next to the Bay Bridge. But of course that is the skyline I am familiar with, so I am looking for similarities! I love the technique of transferring the painting to get the effect of a reflection. I also like the use of hot colors for the sky and beautiful cool colors for the reflection. It's an impressive piece and I can imagine many ways you could employ this technique. Thank you for sharing this wonderful painting. It made me happy to see it! Love, Kathleen
- Kathleen on March 20, 2024
Dear Eloise, Your latest piece of artwork is gorgeous! I envision New York City when I look at this. I like the detail you put into the skyscrapers and how each one is a different height and design. I really like the colors you used for the sky and for the water. Really great job and effort! Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on March 13, 2024
My dear Eloise. This is such a wonderful and inspired piece of art. I agree with your mom, I love everything about it. It feels like strength and power and joy. But there is also something serious and sober about this painting that I also feel. I think it may have something to do with the Alma Thomas’s story and how she faced segregation and prejudice, but did not let that stop her from expressing what she felt and thought. Thank you for sharing it. I am also inspired by the story of the artist that you studied.. It made me feel like I can do something after I retire also. ??
- Kathleen on February 21, 2024
Dear Eloise, I instantly fell in love with your latest piece of art. I love the shape of the heart, the dash borders around it, and the colors you chose throughout the piece. The heart is a beautiful shade of dark purple and I see dimension in the heart where you added the different variations of paint strokes. You did a great job! Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on February 7, 2024
Dear Eloise, I like this figures with blankets very much. You manage to get a lot of expression in the faces, even though you don’t use very many lines to do it. I love the colors of the blankets, but I also have to note that you create some quite intricate designs. The red blanket looks almost like a Persian rug! All three designs are beautiful. Thank you for sharing this, I really enjoyed your work!
- Kathleen on November 26, 2023
Dear Eloise, I am enjoying this new piece of art you have created. I want to hear more about the emotions that are portrayed through the blanket designs. They all are so different. I imagine the blue with dots is calm, the red and yellow will squigglies is happy and the black with red zig zags is angry? Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on November 17, 2023
What a beautiful clay pot, Eloise! This piece of art is very pretty and I can't wait to see it in real life. Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on May 10, 2023
Dear Eloise, I missed this when it was sent earlier, but I am so happy to have found it today. I really love this piece. The colors are wonderful and the yellow looks like light shining out of the dark colors. I love your composition and even though it is abstract I feel a strong sense of form and shape. For me, this is a very special piece. It makes me happy simply to stare at it and imagine what it is about!
- Kathleen on May 10, 2023
Dear Eloise, Your latest art work is very good! I can see the avocado and other fruit that you drew. I like the purple tablecloth with what I assume is white glue layered on top. The blue chalk sky is exceptionally beautiful. I can imagine you working hard on this during art class. Keep up the great work! Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on May 1, 2023
Dear Eloise, I love your new artwork based on Van Gogh's landscapes. I especially like the way you drew the clouds. I can picture you working very hard on this during your art class. Very well done. Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on March 28, 2023
Dear Eloise, I wish this were not untitled as I so much want to know what you were thinking I wanted to convey. I am fascinated by the floating shapes and the dark colors, except for the sun off to the left the seams, more inspired by some deep thought or idea that you want to show through your art, than it seems like Vincent van Gogh. But then that is exactly what Vincent van Gogh did as well! I think this is a fascinating piece of art. I know that it tells a story, but I don’t know what the story is! I find it quite exciting and hope that we have some time to talk about it soon. I want to know what you are thinking about. Thank you for sharing this with me. It is quie amazing!!
- Kathleen on March 28, 2023
Dear Eloise, I wish this were not untitled as I so much want to know what you were thinking I wanted to convey. I am fascinated by the floating shapes and the dark colors, except for the sun off to the left the seams, more inspired by some deep thought or idea that you want to show through your art, than it seems like Vincent van Gogh. But then that is exactly what Vincent van Gogh did as well! I think this is a fascinating piece of art. I know that it tells a story, but I don’t know what the story is! I find it quite exciting and hope that we have some time to talk about it soon. I want to know what you are thinking about. Thank you for sharing this with me. It is quite amazing!!
- Kathleen on March 28, 2023
My dear Eloise, This is such an interesting piece of art. Your images are vibrant and I love the colors and the perspective. The colors of the fabric are very lively and creative. Nicely done! Love, Kathleen.
- Kathleen on February 22, 2023
Dear Eloise, I like your new artwork! It looks like a beautiful image of you at the beach with the sun shining. I can see the foreground, midground and background. Really well done! Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on February 15, 2023
Dear Eloise, I love your new art with your four handprints. I can imagine you having a lot of fun making this piece of art and getting your hands full of colorful paint. It's interesting to see the contrast of colors in each square. Very well done!
- Mom on December 21, 2022
Dear Eloise, I really like your artwork! I love the purples, blues and greens you used in the background. Also, the black square at the bottom looks like it has small white leaves etched into it which is a nice detail. Great job! Love, Mom
- Mom on May 26, 2022
Dear Eloise, This is a very striking and interesting work. Compared to previous work so far that you’ve done, this one has much cooler colors. I wonder if the difference between the bright colors of California and the more subdued winter colors you’re getting used to in Wisconsin (at least the last few months). I think both color palates are beautiful and I really love this work of art. Thank you for sharing!
- Kathleen on May 11, 2022
Eloise, I absolutely love your latest painting. Did you use paper when you applied the paint? The greens and purples remind me of a beautiful garden. Really good job on this piece of art! Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on April 25, 2022
Dear Eloise, I am very interested that you call this "mud hut." It is very tall and has a steep roof. But the color and the decoration look very much like the homes people build from mud or from clay. I really like the way the design looks etched into the building material--not just painted on a flat surface. I also like the border you created around the building, which seems to signify that the hut is a place that is full of beauty and love. At least that is what it conveys to me! Love, Kathleen
- Kathleen on April 6, 2022
Dear Eloise, I love your mud hut art creation. If I look closely I can see red in it. I really like how the back drop is a beautiful blue sky. Well done! Love, Mom
- Jessica (Mother) on April 3, 2022
Dear Eloise, I like the way you use dark images for both the sun and the moon, but show The warmth of the sun and the coolness of the moon by using warm and cool background colors. Also like the edge designs in both the sun in the moon. I especially like the delicate designs on the moon. Thank you for sharing this! Love, Kathleen
- Kathleen on March 24, 2022
Dear Eloise, I like the texture shown in this painting. I also like how the top image looks like a sun and the bottom has really pretty colors. Love, Jessica
- Jessica (Mother) on March 15, 2022
Hi Eloise. This is a colorful and quite beautiful. I can’t stop looking at it and each time I do I see more interesting forms and color choices. It says that you learned about expressionism and about Jackson Pollock. He was a very interesting artist, but at the time he was painting there were also very many women Expressionist artists that I have been forgotten. You might like to look at the work of Elaine de Krooning. Your work has some similarities with the grace and movement of her work. What a wonderful painting you have made!
- Kathleen on January 26, 2022
This is a beautiful painting, Eloise! Great job!
- Mom on January 13, 2022