James! This is just fabulous. I love the way you made the pattern , the colors and the center. One of your best! You are so talented.
- Nana on May 2, 2023
James! This is amazing! I love the colors of the Northern Lights in the background.you are very creative. Great work Nana
- Judy on February 1, 2023
James This is amazing! I love the colors and all the specials details you added. The face is just adorable! You have such a wonderful way of expressing yourself.
- Judy Ellis on February 1, 2023
James, I love the creativity of this piece! You do amazing work with clay, color and shape. Great work!
- Judy Ellis on December 14, 2022
James, This fruit bowl is just amazing! I love all the colors of the fruit and the background and tablecloth colors, too.I can see how the shading made a great difference. Beautiful. So proud of you. Nana and Papa
- Nana and Papa on December 14, 2022
Dear James, This is an amazing bird sculpture. I can’t believe you chose such beautiful colors. I love the blue and purple with the contrasting yellow base. It looks like you had fun creating this and using your many, many talents.
- Judy Ellis on December 14, 2022
What a beautiful piece of work, James! Love you, Mimi
- Mimi on May 4, 2022
James, This is yet another great piece of art I love all the colors, the blue eyes and orange. And the background has so many different shapes and interesting colours. You have such a gift!! Keep drawing. Love you, Nana
- Judy Ellis on May 4, 2022
Hi James, I had the pleasure of seeing the original of this piece! It’s good in black and white but the colored piece was really nice too??
- Mimi on November 24, 2021
Hi James, I really love this painting. You can see how much work you put into it. Keep up the great work! Love you, Mimi
- Mimi on November 24, 2021
Wow, James. This is such an interesting piece of art! I love all the different shapes you chose. You are really using your imagination in art. I look forward to seeing the rest of your work. Love you, Nana
- Judy on October 27, 2021
James, This is an amazing piece of artwork. I love the sunflowers. You did a great job with the blue colors in the background. I am so excited that you are enjoying art. Love you, Nana
- Judy on October 27, 2021
I love your creativity and color choices! Great job??