Johanna1679's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Johanna1679's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love it! Good work J
- Sonya on August 31, 2022
Love this beautiful eye!
- Granny on March 31, 2022
Love this beautiful eye!
- Granny on March 23, 2022
Beautiful dragon's eye!
- Sonya (Mother) on March 22, 2022
- MOM on February 2, 2022
Great artistry love it! Wonderful ??
- Granny on January 3, 2022
Love this piece the best ever! Keep them coming!
- Granny on October 20, 2021
Beautifully done love Granny
- Granny on October 20, 2021
Great Job B! Keep it up! I love the colors in the background!
- Sonya (Mother) on October 13, 2021
I just viewed your beautiful artwork. Very artistic and I love it! Way to go!!
- Granny on October 13, 2021
Beautiful artwork J!
- Sonya (Mother) on October 6, 2021