Wow...I love the subtle heart in your picture, Finn. This piece you can look at a long time and see many things!
- Denise on March 26, 2024
Your skull artwork is very colorful just like the ones we see here in would fit in with those we see and enjoy!
- Grandpa Dennis(fan) on December 13, 2023
I love these happy flowers, Finn!
- Denise on December 13, 2023
Those are such pretty spring flowers...they make me smile!
- Grandma on May 31, 2023
Grandpa and I love the shades of colors you used for this...very beautiful!
- Grandma on May 31, 2023
What a great box of candy, Finn...perfect for Valentine's Day!
- Denise on May 31, 2023
Finn…this warms my heart…which is a good thing as it’s even cold in Texas!
- Denise on May 31, 2023
Terrific bare-branched tree against a night sky! So beautiful!
- Cindy Bennett (Ninny) on May 31, 2023
Great pumpkin patch Finn!I like it so much!
- Cindy Bennett (Ninny) on May 31, 2023
I love your poured paint creations! I want to keep looking at the design and the blends of reds and blues.
- Cindy Bennett (Ninny) on May 31, 2023
This rabbit is so whimsical and cute in his multi-colored glasses! Such a happy piece of art. Beautiful work Finn!
- Cindy Bennett (Ninny) on May 31, 2023
Love the birds and their house! A pretty welcome for birds on a snowy day! Great work Finn!
- Cindy Bennett (Ninny) on May 31, 2023
I like the heart-in-heart design and interesting use of color and design. The red lines on blue and green surrounding the hearts remind me of yarn stitching. Another winner art piece for you Finn!
- Cindy Bennett (Ninny) on May 31, 2023
I love this pumpkin's good for Halloween and Thanksgiving!
- Denise on November 30, 2022
I love ALL your art work Finn, but especially this one. It makes me think! Sorry I'm late commenting. Keep up the great work! Very impressive!
- Boppie(fan) on March 30, 2022
Finn: I love this new art piece! In fact, I showed it to my class because it was so colorful and fun, and perfect in expressing many emotions...just like my students felt when they got back their tests that day...some were smiling, some were frowning and some were surprised! Thank you for making me smile!
- Grandma Denise on February 23, 2022
Finn…this is such a wonderful picture! It reminds me of how happy I was to see a beautiful cardinal that was framed by a winter background. I look forward to seeing you next piece of artwork! Love, Grandma
- Denise on January 26, 2022
I like this Finn. It's very interesting and creative! Love, Ninny
- Cindy Bennett on January 5, 2022
These look like happy spiders at work! Love, Ninny
- Cindy on January 5, 2022
Your art is beautiful Finn! Love, Ninny
- Cindy on January 5, 2022
Finn: Your artwork is wonderful…I love the colors and the energy it has. It makes me happy looking at it and thinking that you made such a great piece of art!