Wow! Into sculpture now. There isn't one thing you cannot do if you try. Great work!
- Mimi on May 15, 2024
Jack, you're getting more creative with every craft you try. Keep up the good work. I am proud of you. Love you.
- Mimi on September 15, 2023
I like what you're doing in art class, Bumblebee. You have different projects and use all kinds of materials. Keep the good work up! I'm very proud of you. Love you.
- Mimi on September 15, 2023
Good job, man. Great to see your talent come alive in these pictures. Keep up the good work!
- Mimi on September 15, 2023
I really enjoy looking at this painting Jack made. I love looking up at the sky, especially at night. It’s so interesting and calming at the same time. What great artwork, Jack. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
- Meem on September 15, 2023
Nice work, Man. Did you really draw that striped tiger? The best I’ve ever seen. And the alphabet is so colorful. The last one is my favorite with the volcano