Henry16011's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Henry16011's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Henry, I loved this piece!!! You did a great job cutting the bird with its intricate details and the dots and contoured lines on the papers reminded me of batik fabrics that I have. There is a sense of movement.
- Grandma on April 3, 2024
Henry's interpretation of a radiant forest is exceptional in its contrasting colors and three dimensional aspect. It has a powerful beauty while also eliciting a sense of foreboding.
- Richard on February 13, 2024
I love the little details in this picture - the hat with earflaps, the gloves on 1 snowman and the realistic stick arms. I really felt like I was in the middle looking up. Nice job, Henry.
- Catherine on February 13, 2024
This made me hungry! Your use of shadows made the spoon and bowl pop off the page. Nicely done.
- Grandma Catherine on February 13, 2024
I liked Henry's ceramic owl very much. The composition and selection of colors was impressive and eye-catching. Henry continues to reveal his artistic creativity in each new medium.
- Richard on November 1, 2023
This would make a great quilt pattern. I love the symmetry of the stamped designs combined with the randomness of the circles.
- Catherine on November 1, 2023
I love how you use color to create movement in the sky and texture on the rolling hills. The sheep add to the bucolic mood. Grandma
- Catherine(fan) on November 1, 2023
I love how you use color to create movement in the sky and texture on the rolling hills. The sheep add to the bucolic mood. Grandma
- Catherine(fan) on November 1, 2023