Zayne780's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Zayne780's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the variety of greens. You did a great job!
- Jordan (Mother) on May 22, 2024
Nice use of colors. They are definitely cool.
- Jordan (Mother) on November 29, 2023
I love this. So creative!
- Mommy on April 7, 2023
I love it
- Jordan (Mother) on February 1, 2023
Great work baby. Your impressive
- Jordan (Mother) on February 1, 2023
Such beautiful work. You are so talented. I'm so proud of you.
- Susan on February 1, 2023
You are a Leo. This is wonderful. Love Gramma
- Susan on November 2, 2022
Love this design. You are soo talented. Love Gramma
- Susan on November 2, 2022
Good job Panda!!!! Love Gramma
- Susan on November 2, 2022
Your favorite color
- Jordan (Mother) on November 18, 2021
Wow that's super cool! I love all the yellow
- Jade(fan) on October 1, 2021
Looks great panda!
- Skye(fan) on October 1, 2021