Carol640's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Carol640's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Carol, I ?? your new work of art! You are truly amazing! Love, Auntie Kathy
- Kathy on February 7, 2024
Love this Carol! You’re a great artist ??
- Lori on February 7, 2024
This is beautiful Carol! It makes me want to take a trip to the mountains. Keep up the good work!
- Uncle Chris on January 31, 2024
I love this Carol! Up is one of my favorite movies!
- Auntie Jenny on December 6, 2023
Hello Carol, I love this new piece of art! I love the bow in her hair and the heart on her shirt. The whole thing is really great! Love you! Auntie Kathy
- Kathy on June 8, 2022
Carol this is beautiful. I love the parts where the white and the pink mix!
- Uncle Chris on April 20, 2022
Carol, I love it! You are a great artist! Love, Auntie Kathy
- Kathy on April 20, 2022
Carol this heart is beautiful! I love all the different patterns you used! Keep up the good work.
- Uncle Chris on March 2, 2022
Carol, This is so beautiful! I love the colors! You are so awesome! Love, Auntie Kathy
- Kathy on October 13, 2021
You’re doing such a good job practicing with scissors! Keep up the good work!
- Uncle Chris on October 13, 2021