WesleyD3's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about WesleyD3's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wesley your toucan makes me smile! The colors are wonderful. The tree limb that it's sitting on is so realistic! Bravo!!!
- Mimi on May 10, 2023
Wow!! Wes this is a new style for you and I think its just great! But you know how much I love flowers. You'll have to tell me about the numbers in the artwork. I love it!!
- Mimi on October 14, 2022
Using the colors of the rainbow is so wonderful in your garden!! I think you are such a talented artist-but you know that. Love you Xoxo Mimi
- Mimi on October 14, 2022
Wow! Wes this could be my sll time favorite artwork that you've created. It's amazing!! So colorful. I can almost feel the puddle under my feet!!!
- Mimi on January 31, 2022
What a fun, colorful, happy octypus!! She has a bow on top of her head! I love this Wes, you are an amazing artist. xoxoxox
- Mimi on January 31, 2022
Wow! Wes, you are such a great, great artist!! I love this fish. It has everything...stripes, great colors, coloring within the lines. I especially love the area around his mouth and eyes. Keep coloring!! You are wonderful!!
- Mimi on January 31, 2022
This is just awesome!! l love the colors and its perfect for fall xoxoxox
- Mimi on January 31, 2022
What a silly city. This makes me so happy-all of the great colors and silly faces!! Wesley-you are an amazing artist!! I love you Mimi
- Mimi on January 31, 2022