Great job Ian! And great message too! I know you can do hard things because you're so smart!
- Aunt Bobo on March 16, 2025 NEW
Ian, Papa loves your new drawing! And I really like the message you have highlighted. It is so true. If you set your mind to it you can do anything you set out to do , even if it is hard. Keep up the great work . Love Papa
- Papa on March 16, 2025 NEW
Ian, I like your Zentangle pumpkins. When I enlarged the screen, I was better able to see all the patterns, and I love how you drew rabbits and carrots on one and the word "ART" on another. It's very relaxing to make drawings like that, isn't it? I like to doodle sometimes with different patterns and squiggly lines. Keep up the good work! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on March 16, 2025 NEW
Ian this is SO good! The shadowing detail you did makes it look just like the pencils are coming off the page! You are such a great artist and only getting better!!
- Aunt Bobo on March 16, 2025 NEW
Hi Ian ! Papa loves your drawing. Your wiggle pencils are sharp and very detailed. And not one bit of yellow outside the lines ! Keep up the great work.
- Papa on March 16, 2025 NEW
Ian, Papa really Iikes your bowl of oranges. I especially like the way you placed a little character right on the bowl itself. Nice detail ! Keep up the good work.
- Papa on March 16, 2025 NEW
Great job on this one, Ian! I love the details of bunny on the bowl!
- Megan on March 16, 2025 NEW
Ian, what a nice lemon tree! The blue decorated pot is so detailed! I think lemons are a great summer addition to decorations and drinks. Great job!
- Mimi on June 9, 2024
That is a neat snowflake, Ian. It reminds me of a wheel! I really like the blue color and I enjoy seeing all your artwork.
- Mimi on June 9, 2024
Ian, this is AMAZING! You are so talented. I love seeing your artwork. Keep it coming.
- Aunt Milissa on June 9, 2024
Ian, Papa loves your new drawing. The lemon tree is very nice. But I like the vase planter also. The contrast between the two is stunning. Great job. Keep up the good work.
- Papa on June 9, 2024
Ian this might be my favorite piece of yours yet! (Next to the Lego guy, of course. He was definitely my favorite). What a nice little lemon plant and such great detail in the pot it's planted in!
- Aunt Bobo on June 9, 2024
What a great snowflake, Ian! I love the colors and the detail!
- Aunt Bobo on February 28, 2024
Papa loves your unique snowflake and the wonderful bright colors!! Keep up the great artistic drawings.!!!!
- Papa on February 28, 2024
Papa loves your artwork. I know how much you like playing Super Mario and building Legos so you must have really enjoyed this drawing!!! The colors and neatness are really great!! ????
- Papa on June 9, 2024
Ian, I'll bet this Lego drawing was one of your favorite pieces of art. He looks just like a Lego piece in the buckets at Mimi and Papa's house! That Super Mario shirt was a great addition. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your artwork. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on June 9, 2024
A Super Mario Lego guy! How neat! Great job, Ian. You got all the details down including the claw hands. And it looks like the Mario on the shirt was doing a little vacationing and got himself a nice tan.
- Aunt Bobo on June 9, 2024
Ian, this is beautiful! I love the stained glass design. The background shades of blue, pink and green are so pretty. I love seeing all your artwork. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on January 24, 2024
BEAUTIFUL! You are so very talented Ian. We can’t wait to see more art from you.
- Uncle Bill and Aunt Milissa on January 24, 2024
Ian, Papa loves your artwork. I really like the colorful shaded background on this one that offsets the large flower!!! Keep up the great work.
- Papa on January 24, 2024
Ian, I love this picture! It's such a pretty flower and looks like maybe it's like a stained-glass type of work. You are getting better and better with your artwork everytime!
- Aunt Bobo on January 24, 2024
Ian, I love this artwork! The background with all the different splotches of color is perfect to show off your planet. The stars really standout, too! I like the variations of blue and the streaks in the ring. Great job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on January 24, 2024
Ian this looks awesome! Is that.. Neptune perhaps?
- Aunt Bobo on November 29, 2023
Very nice job on the planet Saturn Ian. Papa loves the perfect ring around the planet and the white stars in the sky. Keep up the good work!
- Papa on November 29, 2023
Very nice work Ian. Papa loves the colors and all the detailed pictures. Keep up the good work!!!
- Papa on October 25, 2023
Ian I am so excited to see new artwork from you this school year! You are such a great artist and I can see how much you continue to improve!
- Aunt Bobo on October 25, 2023
Ian, I must have missed this drawing when you did it, but I have to comment because he looks like a very cool cat. He's a modern cat who does not want to sit on anyone's lap. He's somewhat aloof and just wants to do his own thing. Am I right? I think I get that impression of him because he's not soft and furry. Instead, he's designed with colorful geometric shapes and piercing eyes. I love your work!
- Mimi on May 17, 2023
Ian, this is a great looking tiger. I see that your drawing is based on Henri Rousseau's Tiger in a Tropical Storm. You are learning about a lot of great artists in school, aren't you? The zig zag lines really show off the tiger's stripes and I like the little speck of white in his eyes. Keep up the good work. Maybe you will be a famous artists some day!
- Mimi on May 17, 2023
Ian, Papa loves your creativity. Your artwork is always so neat and detailed! Keep up the great artwork. Good job!!!
- Papa on April 27, 2023
Ian , very nice drawing. You are an amazing artist ! I like the hat the elephant is wearing.
- Papa on April 14, 2023
Ian, I like your elephant. Did you draw the outline or just colorhim in? He looks like he belongs in Africa or Asia, or even in the circus! Great job! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on April 14, 2023
Ian, this is one of my favorite drawings! The colors are so vibrant! That umbrella is certainly cheery on a rainy day. I’m sure those red galoshes, long yellow raincoat, and big, colorful umbrella are keeping someone dry during that heavy rainfall! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on April 14, 2023
Ian, I love your stained glass heart. It would look so pretty as a window in Mimi’s house with the sunlight shining through—don’t you think?
- Mimi on April 14, 2023
What a cool looking fox! Love it!
- Aunt Bobo on March 24, 2023
Ian, that is such an awesome elephant you drew! You keep getting more and more talented!
- Aunt Bobo on March 24, 2023
You are quite the artist, Ian! Love that rainbow umbrella keeping the person dry from all that rain coming down.
- Aunt Bobo on March 24, 2023
Great job on the umbrella Ian. Papa loves the colors and you very neat artwork!!!
- Papa on March 24, 2023
What a beautiful heart that is, Ian! It reminds me of a stained glass window.
- Aunt Bobo on March 24, 2023
Ian, your drawing of the bubble gum machine is pretty neat! That machine is loaded with so many colored bubble gums! I remember when I was a kid and I couldn’t resist putting a penny in the machine and cranking the knob to see what color gum rolled out. I’ll bet it costs more than a penny these days, though. Great job! I love seeing your artwork! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on March 1, 2023
Really neat drawing Ian. Papa loves the detail of the bubble gum inside the machine.??
- Papa on March 1, 2023
Nice gumball machine, Ian! Love the detail!
- Aunt Bobo on March 1, 2023
Ian, this is a beautiful picture! It reminds me of Mimi and Papa's house with all the trees in the back yard. Now all the leaves have fallen and the trees are bare. I like it when new green leaves come out in the spring. Keep up the great artwork!
- Mimi on November 26, 2022
Papa loves your artwork! The colors are fantastic!
- Papa on November 26, 2022
Very nice job Ian. I love the colors!!
- Papa on November 20, 2022
Ian this is great! I love the colors of the fall leaves.
- Aunt Bobo on November 20, 2022
Great work, Ian! Those tea cups are piled high! It’s a very nice tribute to Queen Elizabeth. Your mom has the same name as the Queen! I look forward to seeing more of your artwork in the months ahead.
- Mimi on October 5, 2022
Great job Ian. Very neat and detailed!!
- Papa on October 5, 2022
First artwork of the school year! Tea cups for the Queen. I love it! Nice job, Ian!
- Aunt Bobo on October 5, 2022
Mimi and Aunt Bobo, Did you see the white face on the bee? I forgot to paint it. Love, Ian
- Liz on April 27, 2022
Ian, nice job on your artwork. It reminds me that soon summer will be here and flowers will be in bloom! Keep up the good work! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on April 27, 2022
Oh Ian I love this! Great job!
- Aunt Bobo on April 27, 2022
Wow what a cool cat that is, Ian! Very colorful!
- Aunt Bobo on March 10, 2022
Very nice drawing Ian. I like the stripes. What is the name of your cat??
- Papa on March 10, 2022
Hi Ian, I love your snowman! He looks so happy with that big smile. I noticed his top hat is pretty fancy with the buckle decoration on the front of it! I'll bet that scarf is keeping him pretty warm, too, but not too warm that he melts! Haha! I hope you get to build a real snowman in your backyard this winter and I hope to see more of your artwork real soon. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on January 5, 2022
Wow, Ian, I LOVE your snowman! Great job!!
- Aunt Bobo on January 5, 2022
Great job Ian. Papa loves the snowman.
- Papa on January 5, 2022
Ian, super job with this one. It looks a little like lego pieces stacked up. Nice design work inside the pieces!!!
- Papa on December 12, 2021
Ian, I like your castle. I didn't know anything about Mary Blair, so I looked her up on the Internet and read that she was an artist who worked for the Walt Disney Company. You did a great job with so many beautiful colored squares and towers and turrets. I hope to see a lot more of your artwork. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 24, 2021
Ian, the pumpkins look great! It reminds me of the book I used to read...Five little pumpkins sitting on a fence! I like the lines of different shades of brown in the fence. It looks like real wood! One pumpkin has dollar signs in his eyes. He looks real happy, like he has a lot of money in the bank. Keep up the good work! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 24, 2021
Super job with the pumpkin art work Ian. Papa likes the detailing!!!
- Papa on November 24, 2021
So happy to see some new artwork, Ian! Great job on the pumpkins!
- Aunt Bobo on November 24, 2021
Great job, Ian! I love seeing your artwork! Papa
- Papa(fan) on November 10, 2021
Hi Ian . It’s Papa . I am a member of your fan club now. I am looking forward to seeing your beautiful work!!
- Papa(fan) on November 10, 2021
Ian, I love your artwork. The colors are beautiful! Keep up the good work. Love, Mimi