Cameron29586's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Cameron29586's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Cam!! This to me looks like a gumball machine!! What a colorful job! We really like this!
- Grandma & Grandpa Armstrong on May 18, 2023
Cam, another great job! I like the way you traced around your hand to make it look as though you are holding the flowers! That was very clever! Great job on this one just like all your other pictures!!
- Grandma & Grandpa Armstrong on May 18, 2023
Our creative boy loves art! I love how he likes to create his artwork with such imagination.
- Sheryl on May 18, 2023
You did a really nice job Cam! So thankful we can see what you draw. Keep up the great work! We miss you!
- Grandma & Grandpa Armstrong on May 18, 2023
Hi Cam! This is so cool! I honestly did not know that they still made pipe cleaners! When I was your age, I would make things out of them for art class too!! I'm thankful for arsonia so that I can see the neat things you make. If it weren't for this I wouldn't get to see all the cool things you do in art class!
- Grandpa Gary & Grandma Diane on February 22, 2023
You did a really nice job on this Cam! You will have to tell us about it when we see you next! Keep up the good work!
- Grandma & Grandpa Armstrong on November 23, 2022
Cam you always do such good work! I really like this! Grandma Diane does too! We love you!
- Grandpa & Grandma Armstrong on November 23, 2022
Hi Cam! We like the LINE and SHAPES that you used here! Looks like a great piece of art! We like it!
- Grandpa Gary & Grandma Diane on November 23, 2022
Mia always loves seeing your artwork. My little artist??
- Mia on November 23, 2022
What a nice picture Cam! Lots of pretty colors! Grandma & I really like it!
- Grandpa Gary & Diane on May 11, 2022
Hi Cam! Grandma Diane and I really like your landscape picture that you just did as well as all the others! Great job!!
- Grandpa A. & Grandma Diane on May 11, 2022
Such a nice picture Cam!!!
- Grandpa A. on April 6, 2022
Cam, Grandma and I love your artwork! You do such a good job!
- Grandpa A. on April 6, 2022
Awesome art work Cameron Love it!
- Mia on November 3, 2021
Good job Cameron!
- Mia on November 3, 2021
What a great job Cam! Way to go!
- Grandpa on November 3, 2021
Wow! Great job, Cameron!
- Uncle Gary(fan) on October 27, 2021