Olivia53122's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Olivia53122's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Tell me about your friends in the picture. Are you in the middle? Great picture! Keep up the good work!
- Granma on March 19, 2025 NEW
That is a really good menorah, Olivia! Happy Hannukah! See you tomorrow! Love you!
- Granma on March 19, 2025 NEW
Great family drawing. Since when do you call MaMa and DaDa Meghan and Paul? Keep up the good work!
- Granma on March 19, 2025 NEW
You are quite the artist. You should make up one of your stories to go with this picture. Love, Granma
- Grandma on March 19, 2025 NEW
If everyone would "Love People" the world would be a better place! You've got a great idea Olivia! I'm so proud of you and your ideas! Love, Granma
- Granma on December 8, 2024
Is that done on that black paper that you scratch off? Looks really neat, Olivia! Love, Granma
- Granma on December 8, 2024
My Sweet Olivia, You are my ‘Love Monster!’ ??Granma
- Granma on December 8, 2024
Olivia, I love the bright colors you used in this picture. Those are some super special penguins. So proud of you! Love, Granma
- Granma on January 25, 2024
Olivia, I always enjoy when you have more art work posted on the Artsonia site. I always wonder if you have done the pictures at home or at school. Where did you do the aluminum foil one? I think that was your name at the bottom but I couldn't tel for sure. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma
- Granma on June 1, 2023
My dear sweet Olivia, This is my favorite piece of art you have made! I love the beautiful sun and the rainbow! Keep up the good work! I know Mom and Dad must be very proud of you. I love you! Granma
- Granma on June 1, 2023
Olivia, I bet you learned the names of these shapes when you did this piece of art. I love the bright colors of the triangles and squares. I especially like the teal color triangles. Just beautiful!
- Granma on June 1, 2023
Olivia, That latest piece is so cool. It looks like glitter and glue were used. Did you do it at home or at Fairlington? Keep up the good work! I am so proud of you! Thanks for FaceTiming me last evening.
- Granma on June 1, 2023
Dear Olivia, I think this green being is very interesting. I would love to have you tell me about it some day. Always proud of you! Love, Granma
- Grandma on June 1, 2023
Olivia, I LOVE this picture. Who is the person in the picture? Is that you? I really like the rainbow too. Keep up the good work! Love, Granma
- Grandma on June 1, 2023
Olivia, I love seeing your art work and making postcards to send people. I will send you the latest one when I get home.
- Grandma(fan) on June 1, 2023
Dear Olivia, This is a very interesting piece. Is that glitter I see in the mix? Did you do this at school or at home? Keep up the good work. Love, Granma
- Stephanie on February 4, 2022
Olivia, you and Mommy make a great team. I’m so glad you have a mom who has the ability to teach you about art. Your mom was not so lucky but she had innate artistic ability. Keep up the good work.
- Grandma on February 4, 2022
Olivia! This looks like watercolor. Did you do this at school? My guess is yes because I see your name with the octopus at the bottom. How has school been this week? Is your friend back to picking you up again? Looking forward to seeing you Sunday! Love you, my sweet girl ??????
- Granma on October 27, 2021
WOW! Another great project! School or home? I really like the color combination. The blue things (were they stamped?) reminder me of eyes. Keep up the good work, Olivia!
- Grandma on October 13, 2021
Wow, Olivia! Did you make this at home or at school? I wish I could hear you tell me about this picture. Maybe you can tell me about it tomorrow. ??Granma
- Granma on October 6, 2021
Olivia, I am very proud of you for many things and not just your art - like your swimming and being a good big sister. You are lucky to have a MaMa who is an artist. You are learning lots and you’re not even 4. Keep up the good work. I’ll be looking at everything. ??Granma
- Grandma(fan) on September 29, 2021