Chase20424's Comments (100)

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Below are comments about Chase20424's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a very colorful Haida Sun mask. You put a lot of detail on this piece-like the geometric shapes around the facial features. Great job!
- Grandma G. on March 10, 2025 NEW
This is so eye-catching! I love the deep, rich colors that you chose for your Haida Sun Mask. Blue, green, and brown make the details on the face "pop." The mask looks very royal and mystical.
- Grandma Pryor on March 5, 2025 NEW
Nice sun mask Chase! It is very expressive and colorful. Keep up the good work in art class
- Uncle Shane on March 5, 2025 NEW
I love this beautiful piece of art. I would like you to tell me what this represents and the culture that honors this horse god. There are many components to this work- feathers, wood, material and fur that all add up to a fine sculpture. Grandma G.
- Grandma G. on February 9, 2025
Your thoughtfully created kachina is a BEAUTIFUL WORK of ART that can be used to teach others about Hopi culture. I can see that you have learned a lot about the way Hopi live by the items that you chose to use on your kachina. I love his ears! Feathers are valued by the Hopi people. Fur, a bow and arrow, beads, and cotton cloth also help tell the story of Hopi civilization. OUTSTANDING JOB on this assignment!!
- Grandma Pryor on February 9, 2025
I like your Hopi Kachina figure. You did a great job making many details out of the materials that you had to use. It seems like you have learned about several different cultures with your art this past year, and I hope you are enjoying learning about how other people live and think!
- Uncle Shane on February 6, 2025
Looks like you're getting in the holiday season, Chase. I like your polar bear's giant hat, the colors in the sky, and Santa and his sleigh in the background. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
- Uncle Shane on November 28, 2024
Well, this festive polar bear in his cheerful red hat, looks ready for the Holidays! The mountains and the stars in the sky-and SANTA flying by-all make for a perfect Christmas picture! Great job!
- Grandma G. on November 28, 2024
It looks like this polar bear is enjoying Christmas. Is that Santa returning home from his busy night of delivering presents? This is a wonderful holiday picture. You have such a good imagination! I love your work!
- Grandma Pryor on November 28, 2024
Stephen Curry is an interesting name for this monster. Did you name it that because Stephen is scary to his opponents since he plays the game so well? Very creative work!!
- Grandma Pryor on November 13, 2024
Outstanding use of color to create this interesting character. Mia would like this artwork. She was pretending to be a monster on the Zoom call. Excellent work!!
- Grandma Pryor on November 13, 2024
Your use of dark pastel colors and the facial expression of your monster makes it quite the spooky apparition! Hope you enjoyed Halloween!!
- Uncle Shane on November 7, 2024
Well, this certainly looks like a scary monster. With his arms up high, glowing yellow eyes, and a hard green mouth-I wouldn't want to run into him day or night!
- Grandma G. on November 7, 2024
Wow! A Stephan Curry #30 Frankenstein! What a creative idea! This guy might be scary, but I bet he can sink 3 pointers all night long! He’s Alive!
- Grandma G. on October 16, 2024
Fantastic job creating a Tim Burton style Stephen Curry. Glad he is wearing a name tag. I would not have recognized him! That blank stare is a little creepy. Great frame for your spine chilling picture. Keep up the amazing work in art class.
- Grandma Pryor on October 16, 2024
Chase - very creepy scene you drew, just in time for Halloween! I like the eyes on your cat looking at me from its perch on the window. Thanks for continuing to share your art projects with us.
- Uncle Shane on September 25, 2024
I love the fall colors in your sunset. It appears that the spider descending from his web on a silk thread has not yet been noticed by the black cat. (Tatis?) Is that tiny tombstone for the spider? Yikes! Wonderful job creating a spooky window!
- Grandma Pryor on September 25, 2024
Dear Chase, I love the balance of colors in your spooky Halloween artwork. Each panel of the window has something interesting to see-with the beautiful full moon in the background. Great first work of the year!
- Grandma G. on September 25, 2024
This beautiful little blue and white ceramic bowl would look great on a dresser to hold jewelry. Good work!
- Grandma G. on April 10, 2024
This drawing brings a smile to my face. It reminds me of a day at the beach and the koi fish I have watched in Hawaii. This is a very beautiful and colorful windsock! It must have taken a long time to draw and color all the scales and details on the fish. I love your work!!
- Grandma Pryor on April 2, 2024
This bowl is a treasure! I love handcrafted pottery and I am especially fond of the blue and white colors. A long time ago, I took a pottery class but the bowl I made wasn't nearly as nice as yours. Your work in art class is awesome!!
- Grandma Pryor on April 2, 2024
Great job on your art projects. I hope you are enjoying learning about Japan and understanding how different people around the world live. When I was in school I did a project on Japan too! Aunt Jess and I would love to talk to you about what you learned this year the next time that we see you. As always, keep up the great work.
- Uncle Shane on March 25, 2024
This drawing brings a smile to my face. It reminds me of a day at the beach and the koi fish I have watched in Hawaii. This is a very beautiful and colorful windsock! It must have taken a long time to draw and color the scales and details on the fish. I love your work!
- Grandma Pryor on March 22, 2024
I love this colorful koi windsock! I would love to have one hanging in my garden. It is so colorful but looks light and airy. Great art work!
- Grandma G. on March 22, 2024
I had to look up what a Durama Doll represents. So, since you painted the left eye it means that you made a wish. This is a nice representation of the Japanese dolls. I hope your wish comes true and you reach your goal. You do such interesting topics in your art class!
- Grandma G. on March 21, 2024
All the hard work that you put into making this daruma doll really shows. Fantastic job painting the eyebrows and mustache. I see that you left one eye blank so that you can paint it when you achieve a goal. I hope this roly poly doll brings you good luck and helps you achieve your goal. Did you know that Pokemon Darumaka was modeled after a daruma doll?
- Grandma Pryor on March 21, 2024
I think it is very difficult to draw a tree, especially before it is filled with leaves. You did a fantastic job and the beautiful cherry blossoms on the tree and fluttering to the ground are very realistic. Great work!
- Grandma G. on February 20, 2024
Your cherry tree is so beautiful! Different shades of brown on the trunk and branches, hues of pink for the flowers, petals falling to the ground all make this tree look so real. This artwork reminds me that spring is almost here and that is a very happy thought! Keep up the impressive work in art class!
- Grandma P on February 20, 2024
Very pretty cherry blossoms in your artwork. I particularly like how the tree branches are drawn - they look very neat and realistic. Keep up the great work!!
- Uncle Shane on February 19, 2024
We love your seasonal artwork for the holidays! The snowflakes are so realistic looking and the dove is very festive. Looking forward to your next piece of art.
- Uncle Shane and Aunt Jess on December 12, 2023
This is perfect Christmas message! Peace on Earth! Great job. I love the dove as it hovers over our beautiful planet.
- Grandma G. on December 12, 2023
Last Sunday we helped decorate the tree at our church. Your picture reminds me of the dove ornaments that were placed on the tree. This is such a beautiful Christmas picture and reminder of the peace and love Jesus brought to our world. Nice work!!
- Grandma Pryor on December 12, 2023
Great job! Thanks for sharing your ant farm with me. This artwork reminds me of the ant farms that I have viewed in the yard at my house. The colors in your artwork remind me of Fall when the leaves are changing color on the trees in PA.
- Grandpa Pryor on November 15, 2023
What a complex and interesting ant house. We love your creativity on this project. It reminds us of being at the Atomium in Brussels :).
- Uncle Shane and Aunt Jess on November 15, 2023
I love this glimpse into the ant colony! I see that they go to school, have lots of separate rooms for activities, and even go out for ice cream! They look super organized and very industrious! Great detail!
- Grandma G. on November 15, 2023
This is a great drawing of all the tunnels and rooms made by ants. Your ants are so cute! It is interesting to watch ants working together to solve problems. Your dad had an ant farm in his second grade classroom. We also had one at our house for a while. I hope you are having fun learning about the habitat of ants. Keep up the amazing work!
- Grandma Pryor on November 8, 2023
Very scary haunted house! We definitely wouldn't want to spend the night in that house!! You have terrific details with all of the Halloween themed things.
- Uncle Shane and Aunt Jess on October 12, 2023
It looks like you are off to an outstanding start in your second grade art class. Your haunted house with spiders in the windows and bats and witches flying around certainly looks scary. The skeleton seems to be watching for something. Is that a trick or treater in the front lawn? Keep up the fantastic work. I can hardly wait to see your next project!
- Grandma Pryor on October 11, 2023
Wow! This is a very scary haunted house! I don't think I would go there for trick-or-treating! I love the detail in this artwork-the lights on in all of the windows illuminating scary spiders and the bats zooming through the air. Well done!
- Grandma G. on October 10, 2023
Dear Chase, Great job on the Paul Klee cat! You have captured the cat's personality -maybe full of wisdom and a bit mischievous! I love the many colors in the background and on the cat, too. Really great work!
- Grandma G. on June 14, 2023
Nice job on your cat project Chase. I like how you incorporated so many colors into the image. Keep up the great work and looking forward to your next creation.
- Uncle Shane on June 7, 2023
The cat in your picture looks like he could have been drawn by Paul Klee himself. It is impressive that you were able to imitate the work of this artist so well. It seems like the cat is thinking about a cardinal and patiently watching for one with those big green eyes. Fascinating!!
- Grandma Pryor on June 7, 2023
Love your peacock Chase - I think it's your best picture yet. Aunt Jess and I saw some wild peacocks on our recent vacation and they looked just like this! Keep up the great work and see you soon.
- Uncle Shane on May 26, 2023
Grandma is "proud as a peacock" of your newest picture. This handsome guy is just magnificent! I love the way he is fanning his tail to show off all his beautiful colors. This just might be your best picture yet. Your artwork is awesome!!!
- Grandma Pryor on May 21, 2023
I love this beautiful and proud peacock! Your artwork is just stunning! I hope you continue exploring your artistic side as you move on in school and in life!
- Grandma Georgi on May 21, 2023
I like your artwork and I like how you painted it ??????????
- Daxton on May 7, 2023
Your bird reminds me of the birds we see in our yard and at the pond near our house. You did a wonderful job shaping the body, head, beak, and tail. The design on your bird and your choice of colors make him very unique and decorative. He is a beautiful example of folk art. Enjoy Multi Culture Day and keep up the marvelous work!!
- Grandma Pryor on March 20, 2023
Great detail on your jaguar! The penetrating sapphire blue eyes draw you in! The open mouth and sharp teeth look a bit threatening, but I think this might be a friendly guy!
- Grandma G. on March 20, 2023
I love this colorful bird-if I saw it in a store, I would probably buy it! Once again, great job! Grandma G.
- Grandma G. on March 20, 2023
I think your brother would like to wear this mask! It makes me happy to see that you listen to your teacher and follow directions so well. Your work is very neat and well done. I am so proud of you and your work in art class!
- Grandma Pryor on March 13, 2023
This is so beautifully decorated! It looks like you used not only paint and markers, but also beads to add to the detail. Keep up the creative work!
- Grandma Georgi on February 8, 2023
Your wonderful sense of color and shape is evident in this picture. The facial features are very well done. I love the way you used a variety of colors and gems to embellish the skull. The cross, flowers, and heart make the skull look very festive. Placing the red, orange, and yellow teeth under the green eye and the blue and green teeth under the brown eye creates a nice balance of color. Outstanding job! Keep up the impressive work.
- Grandma Pryor on February 8, 2023
Love the color and festive decorations on your day of the dead skull! Great job Chase!
- Uncle Shane on February 8, 2023
This little snowman with his black top hat looks ready for Christmas! I love his carrot nose and big smile! Great sculpture!
- Grandma G. on December 21, 2022
I think this colorful polar bear is thinking about opening his presents! It looks like a lovely day in the North Pole with a beautiful blue sky, but I bet it is very cold! I wonder what wrapped in the boxes!
- Grandma G. on December 21, 2022
This is definitely not an ordinary polar bear. The polar bears that I have seen in zoos are all white. It looks like Santa may have left some presents for his colorful neighbor. I think you could write a good story about this unique picture. I always enjoy your artwork!
- Grandma Pryor on December 21, 2022
Aunt Jess and I think both of your most recent art projects are really festive for the season. Great work! I've never seen a multicolored polar bear before - we love the imagination you're putting into your art and keep it up! :)
- Uncle Shane on December 21, 2022
This is definitely not an ordinary polar bear! The polar bears that I have seen in zoos are all white. It looks like Santa may have left some presents for his colorful neighbor. I think you could write a good story about this unique picture! I always enjoy your artwork!!!
- Grandma P on December 17, 2022
I love your snowman. He would look great sitting beside the snow people on our mantel. You did a fantastic job shaping and painting this cool guy. He looks all ready for Christmas with his red scarf. I hope he doesn't melt before Santa comes. Is that water around him? San Diego can be a little warm for snow people! ?? Keep up the impressive work!!
- Grandma Pryor on December 11, 2022
Yikes! That is an impressive Great White and he looks hungry! I hope that flying fish can move fast. Have you seen a shark like this in Shark Lagoon at Sea World? You have quite a talent for remembering and showing details in your pictures. Once again, you did an excellent job on your assignment. Keep up the great work in art class.
- Grandma Pryor on November 23, 2022
Chase, I think this is your best picture yet! The realism of the shark (gills, fin, teeth, and all of the details) and the use of different shades of blue is really great. Aunt Jess and I are really looking forward to seeing you next week! There won't be any sharks where we're going!
- Uncle Shane on November 13, 2022
I realize now that it is a turtle, not an airplane, that the shark may be coming up for. In any case, such a great picture!
- Grandma Georgi on November 10, 2022
Chase, I love this picture! Such great detail of the shark’s teeth as he launches up out of the water! I wonder if he will try to grab the airplane flying overhead! I want to hear a story about this! Great work!
- Grandma Georgi on November 10, 2022
Aunt Jess and I love your spider. Great job on the details and it's very festive for Halloween!
- Uncle Shane on November 2, 2022
Spectacular picture! I have seen webs like this on my porch railings and shrubs. Happy that I have never seen a big and furry spider like the one on your web!! He looks pretty scary. You should hang this one up for Halloween.
- Grandma Pryor on October 24, 2022
I feel happy just looking at this delightful picture! I can see that you are trying some new techniques! The presents, bows, colors, and beautiful cake all make it so festive! It’s a party I want to attend!
- Grandma Georgi on October 24, 2022
Chase, I love this spooky spider and its intricately designed web! Just in time for Halloween! BOO!
- Grandma Georgi on October 24, 2022
Chase - I love your giant party cake, the presents, and the decorations. I particularly like your cake topper design. Very nice use of patterns and colors decorating the cake! I hope you keep posting more art soon.
- Uncle Shane on October 18, 2022
I am glad that your class is celebrating my birthday this month. :) Your three dimensional shapes are drawn so well that they look real. The display on the table is nicely arranged and very colorful. Have fun learning about solid shapes and keep up the great work!!
- Grandma Pryor on October 18, 2022
I love your tiger, Chase. You have so many realistic details in your drawing. Keep up the great work with your art!
- Uncle Shane on May 31, 2022
Chase, it has been really fun to see your artwork over this last year! Each piece is so unique and your progress is amazing! I especially love this art-the colors, fierceness of the tiger with its intense eyes and the pretty flowers that surround him. It really is wonderful! Love, Grandma G.
- Grandma G on May 31, 2022
Chase, your artwork is just amazing. You have such a good eye for detail. This picture looks like a photo that could have been taken at the zoo. The cat's face is drawn so well that he looks real. The jungle flowers surrounding the cat are beautiful. You are really a talented artist. Love, Grandma
- Grandma Pryor on May 31, 2022
I love your picture of a Leprechaun! He looks like he would love to play tricks while he is hiding the gold! The mischievous glint in his eyes tells us to expect the unexpected! Your detail and use of colors is just great! Love, Grandma G.
- Grandma G. on April 13, 2022
Chase - I love the colors that you selected for this artwork. The green hat reminds me of the hat that I where when it is cold and snowing at home. My hat has a brown band just like the one in your artwork. Your coat and shoes of many colors reminds me of a story I learned when I was your age. Keep up the great work! Grandpa Pryor
- Grandpa Pryor on April 11, 2022
I love your leprechaun. He has such a cute face and looks so happy and pleased with himself. Maybe he just finished hiding his gold. :) You did a wonderful job with all the details on his hat and clothing. There are even soles on the bottom of his shoes. Keep up the excellent work in art class!
- Grandma Pryor on April 11, 2022
Hey Chase - great job on your leprechaun. The eyes and mouth are really well done. Faces are so hard to draw for me, but I think you did it just right. Otherwise I love your color choices and the four leaf clover is a nice touch. Aunt Jess and I can't wait to see you next week!
- Uncle Shane on April 9, 2022
Locating your castle in the mountains was a good idea. That should make it easy to see the dragons coming and be ready if they attack. I love the way you used all the space on the paper and made everything just the right size and color. Keep up the amazing artwork!!
- Grandma Pryor on March 23, 2022
Dear Chase, I love your latest artwork of the wonderful castle complete with turrets, windows, a flag, towers, and a flying dragon! Your attention to detail is really amazing! The sky and the rolling green hills in the background really adds a lot to your creation. As always, I can't wait to see what you come up with next! xoxo, Grandma G.
- Grandma Georgi on March 23, 2022
Chase - Nice work! It looks like a house that I recently lived in. The chosen colors are well done. The lights are on at very window showing the building is in full use. Keep up the excellent work! Grandpa Pryor
- Grandpa Pryor on March 19, 2022
Hey Chase - Nice viking long boat! Reminds me of playing one of my favorite video games, Age of Empires. Keep up the great work!
- Shane(fan) on February 23, 2022
Chase, Your progress in Art is just outstanding! I love this picture of the Viking Dragon Boat. The way you painted the sky, the land, and the water really makes it seem that the boat will sail off of the paper! The detail on the boat, from the striped sail to the dragon head and tail is wonderful! You are such a good artist and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
- Grandma G. on February 16, 2022
Have you been learning about Chinese New Year in school? Your dragon boat reminds me of a parade we watched in Hawaii. We saw huge dragons and a dragon boat float. I LOVE your picture!!! Grandma P
- Grandma Pryor on February 13, 2022
Chase - Great Work! This reminds me of all the sailing boats that I have been on in my lifetime and really enjoyed. Places visited included Europe, Australia, South America, Caribbean, and the Panama Canal. Your artwork color selection is well done. I look forward to seeing your next outstanding artwork!
- Grandpa Pryor on February 12, 2022
Chase - Outstanding artwork! This reminds me of the two times that I spent in Alaska and seeing snow in July. The coal mouth and buttons are often found in the coal mining area of Pennsylvania where I currently live. Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing your next artwork. Grandpa Pryor
- Grandpa Pryor on November 24, 2021
Seeing the big snowman and the falling snow makes me anxious for our first snowfall of the season. I wonder who all the little presents are for and what could be inside. This is a BEAUTIFUL winter scene!!
- Grandma Pryor on November 15, 2021
I like your winter scene - very festive for the upcoming season. This is much more realistic than your recent abstract entries. I bet you won't get snow like this where you live though! You'll have to go to Utah or come visit us to make a snowman like this!
- Shane on November 13, 2021
I love this happy snowman surrounded by falling snow! The presents at his feet will make children happy, too! Wonderful artwork! Love, Grandma G.
- Grandma G on November 13, 2021
Dear Chase, I love your use of color accented with the string. It appears to be moving! Really gorgeous! Grandma G.
- Grandma Georgi on November 10, 2021
Chase - What a colorful drawing! It reminds me of some maps that I have used in my travels. The blue is water, the brown is desert, the green is grass, and the red is forest. Keep up the great artwork! Grandpa
- Grandpa Pryor on November 8, 2021
I hope you had fun with the "Silly Strings" project. Your wonderful sense of color and space shows in this design. FANTASTIC JOB!!
- Grandma Pryor on November 8, 2021
I loved all the colors you used in your Silly String assignment, Chase.
- Shane(fan) on November 3, 2021
Chase - I enjoyed seeing the important waves that are normally invisible everyday in life. The different colors are especially interesting! I look forward to getting your next beautiful artwork and reviewing the colors that you select!
- Grandpa Pryor on November 2, 2021
We like your new design Chase, particularly how you used all of the different colors and shapes. Very abstract! Keep up the great work.
- Shane(fan) on October 24, 2021
Chase, Your creativity really shows in the way you used materials for your latest artwork. I especially like the feathers attached to the ends of the pipe cleaners. I hope you will tell me all about "Lines in Space" when we talk. Love, Grandma
- Grandma Pryor on October 24, 2021
I love the colors and different materials that you used in your new art piece! You are very creative and I look forward to seeing your next creation!
- Grandma G. on October 24, 2021
Chase, Your creativity really shows in the way you used materials for your latest artwork. I especially like the feathers attached to the ends of the pipe cleaners. I hope you will tell me all about "Lines in Space" when we talk. Love, Grandma
- Grandma Pryor on October 24, 2021
Great work Chase! Your aunt Jess and I love that you included a Baltimore Oriole on the right side of the group!
- Shane(fan) on October 3, 2021
Outstanding work! I especially liked the bird with the yellow face. Do birds like these fly around San Diego? Look forward to seeing your next artwork. Keep up the great work!
- Grandpa Pryor(fan) on October 3, 2021
We love the colorful birds. Keep up the great work!
- Grandma Pryor(fan) on October 1, 2021
I love this picture of Birdies on a Wire. The bird’s colors, their faces, and their tail feathers hanging down are all perfect! It makes me think of the birds we would see on the power lines when I picked you up from pre-school. You really captured how they would sit there, high up on the wire and look down below! I can’t wait to see more of your artwork! Love, Grandma
- Grandma Georgi(fan) on October 1, 2021